Mi ss i ss i pp i
My head was amplified - out of control
I called upon the
witchdoctormechanix and they broke
out the smoke - poison
Gave me a rub down and tossed me
in the Mississippi River- Held me
under, slapping me silly with mutant fishes
I came out smelling sweeter than
potato pie, with a slick new haircut- and my brain was fried
short circuired
by the Mighty Miss
and the ghost of Tom Sawyer
sat in my frontal lobe - dishing out
words of wisdom, singing
Riverboat tunes
The amplification was gone
replaced by a soggy squeal
The mechanix asked
where I was from, and how
I got to them
I told them I was from Green Bay, and I traveled
to them on the back of a Mexican, I had since discarded
Squishy Wisdom was all
I could expect from now on, the mechanix said
All I expect, is a ride to the bus station and a kiss
from Poseidon I said,
I said my head
is fixed but I have tasted
the mightiest love
and my lips will now be forever
My head was amplified - out of control
I called upon the
witchdoctormechanix and they broke
out the smoke - poison
Gave me a rub down and tossed me
in the Mississippi River- Held me
under, slapping me silly with mutant fishes
I came out smelling sweeter than
potato pie, with a slick new haircut- and my brain was fried
short circuired
by the Mighty Miss
and the ghost of Tom Sawyer
sat in my frontal lobe - dishing out
words of wisdom, singing
Riverboat tunes
The amplification was gone
replaced by a soggy squeal
The mechanix asked
where I was from, and how
I got to them
I told them I was from Green Bay, and I traveled
to them on the back of a Mexican, I had since discarded
Squishy Wisdom was all
I could expect from now on, the mechanix said
All I expect, is a ride to the bus station and a kiss
from Poseidon I said,
I said my head
is fixed but I have tasted
the mightiest love
and my lips will now be forever

Hey Hey
