Congratulations to Suicide Girls making the "vk" the European faceboo… Mar 9, 2015 0 Facebook Tweet Email
"What's on my mind"......very facebook esq.. Alot of things and I fee… Mar 9, 2015 0 Facebook Tweet Email for this service and you aren't going to go "public" and make money from a social media website. Even though i had thought that bubble had bursts awhile ago ".com" even thought there is a DOT everything now. Hope everyone is happy and healthy.
Great song I heard on pandora while getting ready for work. Dec 16, 2014 1 Facebook Tweet Email mikeygauges: Dec 16, 2014 lyamoon: kisses from France !! Dec 16, 2014
Pre-Gaming before the Tattoo Convention at the County Center!!!!! Oct 24, 2014 0 Facebook Tweet Email