hell yeah the site is unfinished and been online for only three days and i have the #5&6 slots out of 12,600 on google for keyword search on East Coast Choppers.... i never ranked on google with any of my porn sites and never ranked above 250 in any search engine.

this is a good day after all.........

go me.

thanks to BatAttack for helping...
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Well I don't know how much I helped but that little counter button has all kinds of stuff.
i do not know what is worse moving or packing. they both suck if you ask me, but at least i am out of this dirty dungeon and into a new home on monday, thaNK god.............

well fuck when troubles rain they pour, my landlord is such a dickhead, i got an eviction notice today three days to vacate and in the past 18 months i only missed rent one time and i got it caught up, that prick.

oh well as of monday i am homeless or living in my shop that sucks............ mad mad mad puke puke

oh well shit happens i guess so...
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i was thinking about moving any damn way.............
well today was turkey day, spent time with the family man did that suck. i did however enjoy spending some time with my son even though his mom is a bitch. oh well hope everyone enjoyed it. smile tongue puke skull