Hey, hey!
Let's see...
it's been a while since I updated. But, I'll just cover the last few days. Weds. my store manager got punched in the face by a shoplifter. He got a nasty cut below his left eye, which was caused by a broken lense from his glasses, he has a broken nose and possibly a broken cheek bone. I was told he would be out for a couple of days, but he wandered into work about noon the next day. Way too much dedication to me! The stupidest thing of all to me is that he had to take a piss test because he got hurt on the job. Now, I could understand if he did something to cause his injury, you know for insurance purposes, but, for god sake! He was punched in the face! My friend Alula, who happens to work with me, came back from a break to find him on the floor in a pool of his own blood. Needless to say, she was a little freaked out by this!
Then on friday Alula and I went to see Wedding Crashers, that movie is funny as fuck! We both loved it! And tonight I we went and had Subway for dinner, after she got off work, (they were out of tuna, which made her sad
) Then went to her house and watched Ginger Snaps and Ginger Snaps 2. I had never seen them before, but they are pretty cool werewolf movies. Now I have to see 3 in the trilogy! It's gonna be a rough week for me though, because she's got a friend coming to town, so we probably won't hang out at all until next weekend! What am I gonna do without my best friend for a week! I guess I'll end up spending alot of time with my friend Sean, which I suppose is good. He is moving to Michigan in September, so I should spend a little time with him before he goes away. It's kind of a wierd situation for me though, him and I have been friends for about 13 years, almost like brothers. But, lately the friendship seems kinda one sided. It's a long story and I'm not gonna get into it all right now, but I realized that I've been pissed off at him alot lately, but he's moving away and I won't see him very often after that. So, it's time to put stupid shit behind us and spend some time with my buddy. I am gonna miss my homie Alula this week though!
But, sometimes you gotta sacrifice, right?
Obviously I'm excited about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but another movie that's gonna fuckin' rock that I can't wait for...

Let's see...
it's been a while since I updated. But, I'll just cover the last few days. Weds. my store manager got punched in the face by a shoplifter. He got a nasty cut below his left eye, which was caused by a broken lense from his glasses, he has a broken nose and possibly a broken cheek bone. I was told he would be out for a couple of days, but he wandered into work about noon the next day. Way too much dedication to me! The stupidest thing of all to me is that he had to take a piss test because he got hurt on the job. Now, I could understand if he did something to cause his injury, you know for insurance purposes, but, for god sake! He was punched in the face! My friend Alula, who happens to work with me, came back from a break to find him on the floor in a pool of his own blood. Needless to say, she was a little freaked out by this!
Then on friday Alula and I went to see Wedding Crashers, that movie is funny as fuck! We both loved it! And tonight I we went and had Subway for dinner, after she got off work, (they were out of tuna, which made her sad

Obviously I'm excited about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but another movie that's gonna fuckin' rock that I can't wait for...

Ginger Snaps sounds like a terrible name for a werewolf movie.