Hey, what's up?
Not much exciting here. Feelin' a little down today and I don't know why! Anybody else ever get that?
It sucks, at least if I knew why I was feeling down, I could try to do something about it.
It doesn't help that I just realized how pathetic I am. I was thinking of doing something.... just hanging out I guess, but something other than going home and getting on my computer and staring blankly at the screen.
But, alas... my best friend is busy, another friend is in Michigan, one friend is getting ready to get married next month, so he is always busy lately.... that's when I realized it... I hang out with like 3 people! That made me sad. What happened to all the people I used to know? The ones that faded into the woodwork over the years. The ones I just stopped hanging out with for no good reason. I have numbers in my phone for people that I would be embarrassed to call, just because I can't remember the last time I called them. Maybe that's why I'm down..... I don't know. All I know is that I have been relying on one person to keep me entertained and that's not fair to her. Don't get me wrong... she's my best friend and I would hang with her every day if I could! I just never make plans with anyone, then when she's busy, I sit at home and do nothing. I need to get my shit together and call some of those old friends. Let them know I'm alive and find out if they care!
Anyway, that's my sob story for the day. I will try to be more cheery tomorrow...or whenever I update next!
Not much exciting here. Feelin' a little down today and I don't know why! Anybody else ever get that?
It sucks, at least if I knew why I was feeling down, I could try to do something about it.
It doesn't help that I just realized how pathetic I am. I was thinking of doing something.... just hanging out I guess, but something other than going home and getting on my computer and staring blankly at the screen.
But, alas... my best friend is busy, another friend is in Michigan, one friend is getting ready to get married next month, so he is always busy lately.... that's when I realized it... I hang out with like 3 people! That made me sad. What happened to all the people I used to know? The ones that faded into the woodwork over the years. The ones I just stopped hanging out with for no good reason. I have numbers in my phone for people that I would be embarrassed to call, just because I can't remember the last time I called them. Maybe that's why I'm down..... I don't know. All I know is that I have been relying on one person to keep me entertained and that's not fair to her. Don't get me wrong... she's my best friend and I would hang with her every day if I could! I just never make plans with anyone, then when she's busy, I sit at home and do nothing. I need to get my shit together and call some of those old friends. Let them know I'm alive and find out if they care!
Anyway, that's my sob story for the day. I will try to be more cheery tomorrow...or whenever I update next!

I have days like that too. But id rather have three really good friends than 30 acquaintances who wont mean much in the end. Hope you feel better hon. Ill come visit you soon!!
I know exactly what you mean, but don't stress, we all have days like that. I only hang out with like three people, too, but thats because nobodies company compares to theirs! Being selective with who you give your true friendship to is a sign of strength, not being pathetic!