The weekend is finally here! Think I'm gonna take Alula to see War of the Worlds tonight. I need a car people, seriously! I was supposed to take a friend of mine to the airport last night. He was going to let me use his truck for a week while he was gone. This has been the deal several times before. So, yesterday I go over to his house and hang out with him for a few hours before he has to go. Then he tells me, sorry I can't let you use my truck this time. He recently lost his job and his parents are paying his bills at the moment. I have been like a second son to them. I helped remodel thier old house so they could sell it. I helped them move. Then suddenly his dad, not his mom (she loves me to death), informs him that since he is paying his insurance.... he doesn't want anyone else driving his truck.
I don't know what his deal is but, first off I have so much for these people, you would think he would think of me as a son (like his wife does)! Not to mention the fact that my friend is 29 years old and his daddy says no! Oh well, whatever. I just need to get a new car so I don't have to depend on others anymore.
I hope everyone has a good weekend!
The weekend is finally here! Think I'm gonna take Alula to see War of the Worlds tonight. I need a car people, seriously! I was supposed to take a friend of mine to the airport last night. He was going to let me use his truck for a week while he was gone. This has been the deal several times before. So, yesterday I go over to his house and hang out with him for a few hours before he has to go. Then he tells me, sorry I can't let you use my truck this time. He recently lost his job and his parents are paying his bills at the moment. I have been like a second son to them. I helped remodel thier old house so they could sell it. I helped them move. Then suddenly his dad, not his mom (she loves me to death), informs him that since he is paying his insurance.... he doesn't want anyone else driving his truck.

I hope everyone has a good weekend!

That's pretty shitty.
that is shitty, just goes to show you that you cant depend on anybody.