alright, so my day was going alright today. went to work and it was ok, came home made some pizza, checked my email, then my buddy picked me up. we were going over to another buddies house to play some video games and watch the sonics playoff game. we got about a mile from my house and i spotted a cop, at about that time i realized "oh shit, i don't have my seatbelt on!", by then it was to late to put it on without being obvious. so i waited till we passed her and put it on......then she pulled us over
!!! she wasn't buying that i had it on the whole time....fuckin $101 ticket.
that really sucks, like i have a fuckin hundred dollars to give the city!!
i understand that seatbelts save lives, but, how do they have the right to tell us we HAVE to wear them. isn't it my life??
what the fuck?
the worst part is that i used to wear it all the time, then sometime last year i got out of the habit. lately i started wearing it again lately because the laws are getting stricter. i honestly just forgot....and for that mistake......$101 fuckin dollars!
bullshit dude! i'm starting to fuckin hate cops!! i mean its not like anyone elses life is at risk by me not wearing my seatbelt. fuckin bastard ass goddamn ball lickin cock munchers!!!
hope i didn't offend anyone with this, but, it really sucks!

hope i didn't offend anyone with this, but, it really sucks!