Oh how I love lazy weekends.
I slept until almost 2 today. It was nice, but, now I won't go to bed tonight. Oh well.
I was going to go to an SGSeattle brunch today so I can meet people and get involved a little, but, so much for that. I'll have to make sure I'm awake next time!
The time change threw me off I guess.
Goddamn I hate spyware!!! I have been running adware/spyware scans all day and it finds something everytime. It's amazing to me that the FCC and our government are so fucking worried that someone might say something "inappropriate" on the radio that they actually have someone assigned to listen to Howard Stern, but, no one gives a shit about these companies that invade my privacy and infect my private property (computer) with bullshit that I don't want!!! Sorry, sometimes I just get worked up. Speaking of the FCC..... why the hell do they have a stick up thier ass about the radio lately. They are fineing people right and left. What happened to freedom of speech. The hard core conservatives are so goddamn worried about thier freedom of religion and right to bear arms, but, fuck the first amendment rights....unless it applies to them. I am so sick of it. They have to "protect the youth"....from what??? If they knew the words that thier kids were saying when they weren't around the would die. I have a novel idea, how about if parents actually be parents and teach thier kids right from wrong so that us adults can listen to what we choose to on the radio. It is such bullshit. The worst part is, most of them probably use the same words when talking to thier friends, but, if its said on the radio or tv it's "offensive". How about if you let me decide what's offensive to me. If you don't like it don't listen/watch, if you don't want your kids to see/hear it, then be a fucking parent and don't let them. If we have a seperation of church and state then why is everything judged based on christian "values"?? We have some of the strictest laws when it comes to broadcasting, but, some of the worst crime statistics. I'm not saying we should have porn on network tv, but, countries that are allowed to show nudity on tv have less than have the sex crimes we do, and very low teen pregnancy rates.
Anyway, now that I ranted and bitched for a while....
I slept until almost 2 today. It was nice, but, now I won't go to bed tonight. Oh well.
I was going to go to an SGSeattle brunch today so I can meet people and get involved a little, but, so much for that. I'll have to make sure I'm awake next time!
The time change threw me off I guess.
Goddamn I hate spyware!!! I have been running adware/spyware scans all day and it finds something everytime. It's amazing to me that the FCC and our government are so fucking worried that someone might say something "inappropriate" on the radio that they actually have someone assigned to listen to Howard Stern, but, no one gives a shit about these companies that invade my privacy and infect my private property (computer) with bullshit that I don't want!!! Sorry, sometimes I just get worked up. Speaking of the FCC..... why the hell do they have a stick up thier ass about the radio lately. They are fineing people right and left. What happened to freedom of speech. The hard core conservatives are so goddamn worried about thier freedom of religion and right to bear arms, but, fuck the first amendment rights....unless it applies to them. I am so sick of it. They have to "protect the youth"....from what??? If they knew the words that thier kids were saying when they weren't around the would die. I have a novel idea, how about if parents actually be parents and teach thier kids right from wrong so that us adults can listen to what we choose to on the radio. It is such bullshit. The worst part is, most of them probably use the same words when talking to thier friends, but, if its said on the radio or tv it's "offensive". How about if you let me decide what's offensive to me. If you don't like it don't listen/watch, if you don't want your kids to see/hear it, then be a fucking parent and don't let them. If we have a seperation of church and state then why is everything judged based on christian "values"?? We have some of the strictest laws when it comes to broadcasting, but, some of the worst crime statistics. I'm not saying we should have porn on network tv, but, countries that are allowed to show nudity on tv have less than have the sex crimes we do, and very low teen pregnancy rates.
Anyway, now that I ranted and bitched for a while....

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