Basically I've been in a tent freezing my ass off for the last week because of work. So nothing exciting or anything at all has happened until I got back to civilization on Saturday morning and started to prepare for the first Halloween I've been able to celebrate in 3 years.
I had no idea what i wanted be. I just know I had to go all out. The first place me and my friends tried was in the mall and that place was cleaned out. Like not a single kid would wear the shit that had in there. So in quick fashion I moved to save the day of all my friends. They really don't know their way around town like I do so I took us to the costume store near the KSU campus. Now we hit our next problem. WTF are we going to be, there was so much bad ass stuff we couldn't make up our minds. After about 2 hours of searching and fighting the herds of anxious people packed in a tight little store we came out with our prizes. I came out with a Darth Vader outfit and light sabre. By the way, yes, I am a star wars nerd
Alright so the plan was laid out pretty simple, play beer pong at the house and walk/stumble to the bars. Well as memory serves me I played a few games of beer pong while sipping on my vodka redbull. I was doing well but the Vader mask has convex lens looking out so unless I'm looking strait ahead I can't see shit. It takes drunkness to a whole new level. Everyone found it quite amusing when I was stumbling around. No depth perception or peripheral vision, this is going to be fun.

Right as we are finishing up the last game before we head out we were visited by trick or treaters that were giving away instead of asking. The neat thing was they were handing out multicolored condoms
Seeing as how these strangers where encouraging a good time while still being responsible, we invited them in for a drink. They were cool peeps, and I dueled one chick who had a zombie knife. It stood no match against my light sabre 

We departed for the bars after the battle and that became a mini adventure in our epic quest. We encountered every creature in imagination land. I tackled a guy in a Sumo suit in the middle of the street.

So we finally get to the bars! And no joke people, I'm not completely sure of last nights events once I got to the bars. I know I talked with a lot of people, I bought a lot of drinks (170 dollar bar tab ot prove it) and Enjoyed myself very much. I remember bumping into a lot of friends. We closed the bars and somehow I made it back to the house for an attempt at beer pong with more random people that just stopped by, but that didnt work out so well. I made the hard wood floor my friend until everyone was gone. And when the rest of the people decided to crash my attention was drawn to the very loud moans of a girl having sex. Now there are 2 possible candidates for this, but the bedroom doors weren't even closed a second ago. Even still I yell from the living room for who ever it is to use a pillow on their face. It gets louder, so I get up. It was only then that I realized it was coming from upstairs down the stair well. Back track- The house is two stories and rented by floors. so the store case leads to a door which apparently is the bedroom of the hot Pocahontis that was galavanting around down here not even 10min ago. HAHHAHA. Beautiful. By the time I got up everyone was up and huddled around the bottom of the stairs packed tight like a bunch little kids going through their dads porn stash. It was funny, I really don't know why. But since the door provided no sound damping and the stair case actually amplified and carried the sound, we could here every little thing, like "turn over" " i can't move" "do you like that baby" and my favorite part "did you cum baby, yeah. Did you take your birth control today? yeah" hahahah, omg. funniest thing of the night. It was definitely bed time after that. Good Night!

I had no idea what i wanted be. I just know I had to go all out. The first place me and my friends tried was in the mall and that place was cleaned out. Like not a single kid would wear the shit that had in there. So in quick fashion I moved to save the day of all my friends. They really don't know their way around town like I do so I took us to the costume store near the KSU campus. Now we hit our next problem. WTF are we going to be, there was so much bad ass stuff we couldn't make up our minds. After about 2 hours of searching and fighting the herds of anxious people packed in a tight little store we came out with our prizes. I came out with a Darth Vader outfit and light sabre. By the way, yes, I am a star wars nerd

Alright so the plan was laid out pretty simple, play beer pong at the house and walk/stumble to the bars. Well as memory serves me I played a few games of beer pong while sipping on my vodka redbull. I was doing well but the Vader mask has convex lens looking out so unless I'm looking strait ahead I can't see shit. It takes drunkness to a whole new level. Everyone found it quite amusing when I was stumbling around. No depth perception or peripheral vision, this is going to be fun.

Right as we are finishing up the last game before we head out we were visited by trick or treaters that were giving away instead of asking. The neat thing was they were handing out multicolored condoms

We departed for the bars after the battle and that became a mini adventure in our epic quest. We encountered every creature in imagination land. I tackled a guy in a Sumo suit in the middle of the street.

So we finally get to the bars! And no joke people, I'm not completely sure of last nights events once I got to the bars. I know I talked with a lot of people, I bought a lot of drinks (170 dollar bar tab ot prove it) and Enjoyed myself very much. I remember bumping into a lot of friends. We closed the bars and somehow I made it back to the house for an attempt at beer pong with more random people that just stopped by, but that didnt work out so well. I made the hard wood floor my friend until everyone was gone. And when the rest of the people decided to crash my attention was drawn to the very loud moans of a girl having sex. Now there are 2 possible candidates for this, but the bedroom doors weren't even closed a second ago. Even still I yell from the living room for who ever it is to use a pillow on their face. It gets louder, so I get up. It was only then that I realized it was coming from upstairs down the stair well. Back track- The house is two stories and rented by floors. so the store case leads to a door which apparently is the bedroom of the hot Pocahontis that was galavanting around down here not even 10min ago. HAHHAHA. Beautiful. By the time I got up everyone was up and huddled around the bottom of the stairs packed tight like a bunch little kids going through their dads porn stash. It was funny, I really don't know why. But since the door provided no sound damping and the stair case actually amplified and carried the sound, we could here every little thing, like "turn over" " i can't move" "do you like that baby" and my favorite part "did you cum baby, yeah. Did you take your birth control today? yeah" hahahah, omg. funniest thing of the night. It was definitely bed time after that. Good Night!

cookies are sooo easy to make.. and they are vegan so moore easy ! hahahaha
i saw those pics.. sooo u have to upload a new blog