This is the first time I have gotten in over a week to sit down and relax. It was a long and very stressful one to.The first thing that got me was the last second notice that I was going to a promotion board. Basically big wigs sit down and quiz me to see if I know my shit and have the bearing to be promoted at work. That was awful. I burned my brain down studying for that. Good thing I got the thumbs up when I went through it on Friday. (I'm listening to Matt& Kim right now, random I know) After that was over I was still left with the feeling of myself detached from my body. I was just that exhausted.
After work on friday I left for Tulsa, Oklahoma with 6 other friends to go road racing at Hallett Race way. I was super excited because this is my first ever road course. A high speed 2 mile track. I was def hitting over a 100mph in the strait ways. So we got there late at night and crashed in the hotel for like 4 hours before before having to get up and go to the track. Mind you this did not help at all with my exhaustion. Plus it was a 4hr drive to Tulsa. UGH!

Alright so we register, go to the drivers meeting and the new drivers class. After that we started, I was so excited I became jittery. It was set up by advanced, intermediate, and beginners groups. Me and my friends were all beginners but by the end of the day we were consistently running at intermediate level
Before getting to that I have to say how much I actually sucked at driving really fast, I've gotten good at autocross, where its all technical driving on a short parking cone made course. It wasn't until I asked one of the driving instructors to drive my car while I ride to give me tips and show me the line. Now the instructor, A woman named Kristen, scared the shit out of me in my own car. She drove that thing harder then I ever thought it could go. While at the same time teaching me and making it look effortless as hell. It was hott, lol. Any who, I followed her advice and dramatically improved my lap times. But I was pushing my car a lil to hard. Here are me and my friends,
Me-the white subaru wrx, Dave- grey nissan 240, and Will- White Acura rsx

Ok, so it finally happens. I kept pushing my car to hard on now bald tires and it finally bit me in the ass. In one the turns which is an S turn with right part of the turn up hill so its a blind turn coming up the hill. I went into it to fast. While making my turn my whole car was drifting to the outside of the track. It drifted to far this time and I went into the grass. I did this at a high speed so I slid right into the tire wall around the track and it shot me up into the air. Me and my car landed on the top of the wall high centered so that my rear tires are about 4 feet off the ground and my front about a foot. I had to climb out of my car and then the emergency crew came and got my car off. It started again and I only had some dents on the left of the car so I finished my runs, LMAO! I dont have a pic of it though. DAMMIT! We were only on run 5 of 7 and I was throwing in the towel but the tech guys made fun of me so I said fuck it on ready for the next run. That was until a mustang flipped and rolled his car on the next run of the advanced guys. I felt fate was talking to me so I stopped racing for the day
The damage hitting a tire wall does, my car is a zebra now

The flipped Mustang

So after an awesome time racing and crashing. Its time to make the 4hr drive back to kansas. By this point my exhaustion has caused me to hit the wall. Racing causes you to become mentally tired. I was at that drunk/goofy state, barely able to function so I made one of my passengers drive back. But as soon as we roll out my car is vibrating and the right front wheel is making a new noise. We pull over in Texas chainsaw massacre no where and I discover that when my breaks cooled it caused the rotors to crack. FML! So after googling and making some calls we sent Dave to the nearest place that had my rotors, which was 45 mins away. I stayed and watched the trailer and tore apart my front end so all we had to do was through on the new rotors and put it back together. In the process of waiting the sheriff who I had just mentioned to my friend as being the only thing missing from this town to make it just like in Texas chainsaw massacre, decided he should show up and make this whole situation perfect. This old crusty mofo was just like the guy from the movie, no joke. My military ID was the only thing that made him leave us alone. lol. Dave came back shortly the car was back together and we sped all the way back. HOly shit I crashed and slept for 12hrs before getting up today. Now I have to prepare for the long month of BS coming my way

there were A lot of Bad ass cars there
Nissan GT-R skyline

Acura NSX

Ultima GTR

Dodge Viper

PS- Buy Vivid's suff at Vivka on Etsy Her art is awesome and she rocks!
After work on friday I left for Tulsa, Oklahoma with 6 other friends to go road racing at Hallett Race way. I was super excited because this is my first ever road course. A high speed 2 mile track. I was def hitting over a 100mph in the strait ways. So we got there late at night and crashed in the hotel for like 4 hours before before having to get up and go to the track. Mind you this did not help at all with my exhaustion. Plus it was a 4hr drive to Tulsa. UGH!

Alright so we register, go to the drivers meeting and the new drivers class. After that we started, I was so excited I became jittery. It was set up by advanced, intermediate, and beginners groups. Me and my friends were all beginners but by the end of the day we were consistently running at intermediate level

Before getting to that I have to say how much I actually sucked at driving really fast, I've gotten good at autocross, where its all technical driving on a short parking cone made course. It wasn't until I asked one of the driving instructors to drive my car while I ride to give me tips and show me the line. Now the instructor, A woman named Kristen, scared the shit out of me in my own car. She drove that thing harder then I ever thought it could go. While at the same time teaching me and making it look effortless as hell. It was hott, lol. Any who, I followed her advice and dramatically improved my lap times. But I was pushing my car a lil to hard. Here are me and my friends,
Me-the white subaru wrx, Dave- grey nissan 240, and Will- White Acura rsx

Ok, so it finally happens. I kept pushing my car to hard on now bald tires and it finally bit me in the ass. In one the turns which is an S turn with right part of the turn up hill so its a blind turn coming up the hill. I went into it to fast. While making my turn my whole car was drifting to the outside of the track. It drifted to far this time and I went into the grass. I did this at a high speed so I slid right into the tire wall around the track and it shot me up into the air. Me and my car landed on the top of the wall high centered so that my rear tires are about 4 feet off the ground and my front about a foot. I had to climb out of my car and then the emergency crew came and got my car off. It started again and I only had some dents on the left of the car so I finished my runs, LMAO! I dont have a pic of it though. DAMMIT! We were only on run 5 of 7 and I was throwing in the towel but the tech guys made fun of me so I said fuck it on ready for the next run. That was until a mustang flipped and rolled his car on the next run of the advanced guys. I felt fate was talking to me so I stopped racing for the day

The damage hitting a tire wall does, my car is a zebra now

The flipped Mustang

So after an awesome time racing and crashing. Its time to make the 4hr drive back to kansas. By this point my exhaustion has caused me to hit the wall. Racing causes you to become mentally tired. I was at that drunk/goofy state, barely able to function so I made one of my passengers drive back. But as soon as we roll out my car is vibrating and the right front wheel is making a new noise. We pull over in Texas chainsaw massacre no where and I discover that when my breaks cooled it caused the rotors to crack. FML! So after googling and making some calls we sent Dave to the nearest place that had my rotors, which was 45 mins away. I stayed and watched the trailer and tore apart my front end so all we had to do was through on the new rotors and put it back together. In the process of waiting the sheriff who I had just mentioned to my friend as being the only thing missing from this town to make it just like in Texas chainsaw massacre, decided he should show up and make this whole situation perfect. This old crusty mofo was just like the guy from the movie, no joke. My military ID was the only thing that made him leave us alone. lol. Dave came back shortly the car was back together and we sped all the way back. HOly shit I crashed and slept for 12hrs before getting up today. Now I have to prepare for the long month of BS coming my way

there were A lot of Bad ass cars there

Nissan GT-R skyline

Acura NSX

Ultima GTR

Dodge Viper

PS- Buy Vivid's suff at Vivka on Etsy Her art is awesome and she rocks!
Oh, and I'm becoming what my friends are calling a typo-nazi...