Because I'm lazy I need to recap for a whole week, lol. Alrighty let me break it down;
(WARNING! Im sorry for shitty pics, my cell phone camera is only great in the light and when things are still)
Friday DAY- My whole shop at work decided to lunch together. So we went to Kite's Bar and grill put poor college girls to work by having to deal with our large colorful party. The highlight of that besides actually getting everyone together was my boss ordering the 3lb Will Ferral cheese burger and finishing it to win a t-shirt, lol.

After lunch I caught a catipeller at work and it kept us entertained until the end of the day


Friday Night- I drove to Kansas City and reserved a hotel room while driving there. Almost hit a deer while heading there, end result = changing my diaper because I shit myself, jk. I actually lucked out getting a hotel downtown because it was at a historic building, completely out of the 1920s with the exception of the Flat screen on the wall. It was already midnight, so I head the 4 blocks down the road to The Power and Light District. Its a few blocks of Bars all together and on top of each other. I was going to meet up with one of my buddy and his girl at Howl at the moon. We were in luck because we managed to catch the end of my friends music sets so she was on break.( it's a dueling piano bar by the way) We kicked it with her for a minute until she had to go back on stage. She rocks! We then ventured to my favorite bar, Angels Rock Bar, to really get into the night. Any how, his girl brought other girls so I knew I would at least be entertained with meaningless conversation of what and who we think we are. We are always wrong by the way, or lie. What ended up happening is I was unknowingly made camera man and after a lil while fell into the role and started snapping pics of every random thing and person. I need to get a hold of some of those pics because it wasn't my camera. My favorite bartender/hero was working so even if no one else was there I would have a good time anyway


Howl at the Moon

Angels Rock Bar
Well After lots of picture taking and many random drunk conversations on the meaning of life they finally made final call. We all bounced and I definitely walked about 15 blocks attempting to find my hotel which was only 4 away, haahhha. end result = crashing into bed smelling of sin.
Saturday Day- I woke up and enjoyed the best breakfast ever, (apparently I really did luck out because they were famous for their breakfasts) After enjoying heaven I called my friend and ex-roomate and met up with him and his girlfriend at the Plaza (A very large outdoor shopping area that covered in art from the building designs to the greek statues at every corner) We shopped, BS'd, and ate at PF Changs. We then attempted to go the Nascar Races becasue I had free tickets, but after realizing I had to drive 5miles away to park, that plan changed to facilitate the seeing of Zombie Land! It was funny but too short, Bill Murray made the movie. HAhaha, yeah I said it. Bill Murray
So my boy peaced out after that and I went and crashed back at the hotel because I was running on fumes.


Alright so a little back story. I had made plans for with my buddy. He was going to the races on Sunday so he was coming up Saturday night to party and crash at my hotel. He left around 830 and arrived at 1030.
Well I woke up from my nap at 1130 to see my phone(which I had on vibrate) lit up with 27 missed calls and about 20 very progessively angry texts. =s FML! I didn't know where I was staying when we made the plans so he had been driving around downtown for an hour because that's all he knew. I instantly called him to receive a good bitching. I got ready with the quickness and met him outside. He donated a swift kick to my balls and after a minute of cringing on me knees we headed out. I called one of my party friends and had her meet us at Rock bar. It was her and her lil sister. Honestly they made the night by hanging with them. We all danced and laughed a lot. It was a special night because the little sister never gets drunk because she is mom to the big sister and always takes care of her. Well she was really thrashed this night and was a trip. lol. We bounced between Rock bar and Tango de Cantinas, which was located downstairs from Rock bar. My bartender was working again so we had the hookup.
Now the bad/funny part. So down at Tangos there is a center stage with a couple of poles and the table tops of booths attached to the side. The girls climbed up and danced and we all started like a couple of starving tigers watching fresh meat dangle in front of us. I wanted to dance, but no penis allowed on the stage. Well I saw one of the booths open up so instead of wading through the crowd I decided to climb up on the stage to cross over. Not a bad Idea except that there was a larger girl dancing in the way on the edge of the stage. Alright here are the conditions: she is obviously drunk, indicated by her unbalanced and awful jostling of her body. The stage is wet from spilled drinks. The stage is waist height, and she is on the edge. Alright so I see an opening on the left because she has waddled to the right. As soon as I step up I fell something hit my shoulder. I immediately turn to see large chick on the ground with a crowd of people standing over her. I turn to the first guy I see who amazingly was sober and asked if I just killed the fat chick. He said no and that she fell on her own and actually grabbed me in an attempt to save her life. OMG! I thought I killed her. He then said not to worry because she fell on to people and didnt hit her head. I didn't feel any better but I forgot about it for the rest of the night, WHEW! No one came after me so I figured he told me the truth. Our evening finished well and I was even better when we all went to Waffle House at 4am and all drunk! "Rule # 32- Appreciate the little things." Ah, such memories being drunk and at Waffle House. After devouring an All-Star Special me and my buddy made it back to the hotel and died from our gluttony.
Sunday- We woke up at check out time and went our ways. I left to have Brunch at Kano's in the Plaza. I had a strawberry-kiwi sushi roll with cherry-pomegranate tea. Yum!
I left from there and went shopping in Westport. An older part of the city with a lot of alternative places. From bar to stores. I checked out a place called Bunkers. awsome stuff. Just way overpriced. I found a bad ass vintage clothes store that and I almost bought a 1984 black members only coat. Was just a lil smaller then I wanted. I did go into a tea store and bought a gourd and filter straw for the mate tea I have. Its Brazilian and oh so good. I'm pretty proud of that purchase.

Strawberry-kiwi roll
Now I was supposed to meet my friend Alicia (older sister from Saturday night) for lunch.But she forgot about prior engagements with her friend. So she just invited me on those instead. I'm glad she did it was way more fun. All three of went to a small town north to the apple orchid there. The season was over for that but they picked some super huge pumpkins instead. I bought some apple butter BBQ sauce I can't wait to try. We then went into the town and went an Irish Pub. It was freaking cool! It was underground and had live music from and old Irish guy singing Irish drinking songs. I have to go back there soon and get wasted. lol. We left a little after that and I made the 120mile drive back home. End result = Great weekend!
Me and Alicia
Underground pub

Present Friday night- So the week was the usual and very uneventful, just work. I went out last night to celebrate my friends Birthday. Amazingly it was a chill night. I got pretty drunk and passed out on his couch. He took me back to get my car this morning and I had a parking ticket, "Sad Day". I napped some more and now its 10pm and I'm hungry and will probably do nothing for the rest of the night. I am definitely going back to Kansas City tomorrow. I just need to find a couch to stay on, lol. I do have today through Monday off so I need to take advantage of that.
Side note -Its really cold and might snow this weekend here, and I might race my car again on Sunday, depends on what I do Saturday night though.
Random pics
Allli my bartender

Hotel Savoy


And me

(WARNING! Im sorry for shitty pics, my cell phone camera is only great in the light and when things are still)
Friday DAY- My whole shop at work decided to lunch together. So we went to Kite's Bar and grill put poor college girls to work by having to deal with our large colorful party. The highlight of that besides actually getting everyone together was my boss ordering the 3lb Will Ferral cheese burger and finishing it to win a t-shirt, lol.

After lunch I caught a catipeller at work and it kept us entertained until the end of the day


Friday Night- I drove to Kansas City and reserved a hotel room while driving there. Almost hit a deer while heading there, end result = changing my diaper because I shit myself, jk. I actually lucked out getting a hotel downtown because it was at a historic building, completely out of the 1920s with the exception of the Flat screen on the wall. It was already midnight, so I head the 4 blocks down the road to The Power and Light District. Its a few blocks of Bars all together and on top of each other. I was going to meet up with one of my buddy and his girl at Howl at the moon. We were in luck because we managed to catch the end of my friends music sets so she was on break.( it's a dueling piano bar by the way) We kicked it with her for a minute until she had to go back on stage. She rocks! We then ventured to my favorite bar, Angels Rock Bar, to really get into the night. Any how, his girl brought other girls so I knew I would at least be entertained with meaningless conversation of what and who we think we are. We are always wrong by the way, or lie. What ended up happening is I was unknowingly made camera man and after a lil while fell into the role and started snapping pics of every random thing and person. I need to get a hold of some of those pics because it wasn't my camera. My favorite bartender/hero was working so even if no one else was there I would have a good time anyway


Howl at the Moon

Angels Rock Bar

Well After lots of picture taking and many random drunk conversations on the meaning of life they finally made final call. We all bounced and I definitely walked about 15 blocks attempting to find my hotel which was only 4 away, haahhha. end result = crashing into bed smelling of sin.
Saturday Day- I woke up and enjoyed the best breakfast ever, (apparently I really did luck out because they were famous for their breakfasts) After enjoying heaven I called my friend and ex-roomate and met up with him and his girlfriend at the Plaza (A very large outdoor shopping area that covered in art from the building designs to the greek statues at every corner) We shopped, BS'd, and ate at PF Changs. We then attempted to go the Nascar Races becasue I had free tickets, but after realizing I had to drive 5miles away to park, that plan changed to facilitate the seeing of Zombie Land! It was funny but too short, Bill Murray made the movie. HAhaha, yeah I said it. Bill Murray



Alright so a little back story. I had made plans for with my buddy. He was going to the races on Sunday so he was coming up Saturday night to party and crash at my hotel. He left around 830 and arrived at 1030.
Well I woke up from my nap at 1130 to see my phone(which I had on vibrate) lit up with 27 missed calls and about 20 very progessively angry texts. =s FML! I didn't know where I was staying when we made the plans so he had been driving around downtown for an hour because that's all he knew. I instantly called him to receive a good bitching. I got ready with the quickness and met him outside. He donated a swift kick to my balls and after a minute of cringing on me knees we headed out. I called one of my party friends and had her meet us at Rock bar. It was her and her lil sister. Honestly they made the night by hanging with them. We all danced and laughed a lot. It was a special night because the little sister never gets drunk because she is mom to the big sister and always takes care of her. Well she was really thrashed this night and was a trip. lol. We bounced between Rock bar and Tango de Cantinas, which was located downstairs from Rock bar. My bartender was working again so we had the hookup.
Now the bad/funny part. So down at Tangos there is a center stage with a couple of poles and the table tops of booths attached to the side. The girls climbed up and danced and we all started like a couple of starving tigers watching fresh meat dangle in front of us. I wanted to dance, but no penis allowed on the stage. Well I saw one of the booths open up so instead of wading through the crowd I decided to climb up on the stage to cross over. Not a bad Idea except that there was a larger girl dancing in the way on the edge of the stage. Alright here are the conditions: she is obviously drunk, indicated by her unbalanced and awful jostling of her body. The stage is wet from spilled drinks. The stage is waist height, and she is on the edge. Alright so I see an opening on the left because she has waddled to the right. As soon as I step up I fell something hit my shoulder. I immediately turn to see large chick on the ground with a crowd of people standing over her. I turn to the first guy I see who amazingly was sober and asked if I just killed the fat chick. He said no and that she fell on her own and actually grabbed me in an attempt to save her life. OMG! I thought I killed her. He then said not to worry because she fell on to people and didnt hit her head. I didn't feel any better but I forgot about it for the rest of the night, WHEW! No one came after me so I figured he told me the truth. Our evening finished well and I was even better when we all went to Waffle House at 4am and all drunk! "Rule # 32- Appreciate the little things." Ah, such memories being drunk and at Waffle House. After devouring an All-Star Special me and my buddy made it back to the hotel and died from our gluttony.
Sunday- We woke up at check out time and went our ways. I left to have Brunch at Kano's in the Plaza. I had a strawberry-kiwi sushi roll with cherry-pomegranate tea. Yum!
I left from there and went shopping in Westport. An older part of the city with a lot of alternative places. From bar to stores. I checked out a place called Bunkers. awsome stuff. Just way overpriced. I found a bad ass vintage clothes store that and I almost bought a 1984 black members only coat. Was just a lil smaller then I wanted. I did go into a tea store and bought a gourd and filter straw for the mate tea I have. Its Brazilian and oh so good. I'm pretty proud of that purchase.


Strawberry-kiwi roll

Now I was supposed to meet my friend Alicia (older sister from Saturday night) for lunch.But she forgot about prior engagements with her friend. So she just invited me on those instead. I'm glad she did it was way more fun. All three of went to a small town north to the apple orchid there. The season was over for that but they picked some super huge pumpkins instead. I bought some apple butter BBQ sauce I can't wait to try. We then went into the town and went an Irish Pub. It was freaking cool! It was underground and had live music from and old Irish guy singing Irish drinking songs. I have to go back there soon and get wasted. lol. We left a little after that and I made the 120mile drive back home. End result = Great weekend!
Me and Alicia

Underground pub

Present Friday night- So the week was the usual and very uneventful, just work. I went out last night to celebrate my friends Birthday. Amazingly it was a chill night. I got pretty drunk and passed out on his couch. He took me back to get my car this morning and I had a parking ticket, "Sad Day". I napped some more and now its 10pm and I'm hungry and will probably do nothing for the rest of the night. I am definitely going back to Kansas City tomorrow. I just need to find a couch to stay on, lol. I do have today through Monday off so I need to take advantage of that.
Side note -Its really cold and might snow this weekend here, and I might race my car again on Sunday, depends on what I do Saturday night though.
Random pics
Allli my bartender

Hotel Savoy


And me

thanks for the support in my set
kisses baby