Where to start..Well Basically I had a Rocking ass night with my friends last night in Kansas City.
They had already been there the previous night and I drove the 2hrs the next day to meet up with the 3 of them. 6pm and they were just starting to move around from their adventures last night. They filled me in on all that I had missed and gave their individual depictions of the single female that made her way back to the room at the end of the night. And the events surrounding it, lets just say I'm glad I wasnt in the room when all that went down, LMAO!
So I brought some taco bueno and crispy cremes for everyone..they worshipped me for this act of graciousness, lol. ( because if u dont know taco bueno is the one of the best fast food taco places..EVER! and crispy creme has its own dounut god u have to pray to ;p) Well the mission was set, Top last night! And I was ready to give the OP ORDER. With me there and our girlfriend who lives and bar tends there joining us there was no stopping the fun we were going to have. Our destination is the Power and Light district in downtown KC. It is a Court yard of every bar you can think of. So there is no end to the trouble you can cause. SO in our best efforts of preparation we started pre-gaming at the hotel. Soon after around 9pm our other friend showed up and she brought her very large breasted friend ( like whatever is bigger then double E huge) This greatly pleased my boy who really only cares about boobs. Myself, I think anything more then a handful is too much. ANyway, they brought what they call applecrisp to aid in our pre-gaming. It was apple juice/cinnamon/everclear mix, it wasnt half bad and we were def ready to go after a cup each of that stuff, lol. We rushed through the hotel and out the lobby, knowing there should be a cab our two just waiting to provide aid to our drunken antics. We are only 6 blocks from our destination so its a quick ride and the evening begins =D
OUr first bar is Howl at the Moon. Older crowd with dueling pianos and a friend of ours is playing this night so we are there. We are all singing along to Johnny Cash and definitely feeling good. I take it upon myself to buy the first round of drinksfor me and one of my boys. We get about 2 drinks in apiece and the whole time singing and feeling out of place because of our lack of life experience, lol. Our girlfriend is constantly grabbing our friends ass who is playing the piano as hard as she can so not to brake note due to the sexual assault. And the Crowd finds this pretty funny, aahhh young ppl, yes we are dumb, lmao! We left there for another bar right after Mitch got called on stage for his 50th birthday and was utterly degraded by a song about how small his penis is, lol. Happy B-day Mitch, U have a small dick ;p
We Bounced from there and went to our bread and butter spot Tango at Cantinas. (My favorite spot is Angels Rock Bar, but We didnt make in there this night, Its like a prerequisite to be of SG status to work there as a woman, i love it) They play mostly 90s and todays pop rock and hip hop. Basically they try to get the drunk girls to dance on the center stage. I get drunk and get up there all the time. I havent been kicked off yet. I think its because i can actually dance. where other dudes get thrown off with the quickness. I mean I want to dance but all the girls are up there. So that is where I have to go. Well I didnt go up there on this night because it was full of Beached whales looking at what appeared to be an attempt to unbeach themselves and return to the ocean, LMFAO. Yes I can be mean. They can have their fun, I just have to find mine elsewhere. So back to the situation at hand. All 6 of us have secured a table and the immediate area and begin running operations from there. My boys are def looking for scally wags to take home. i on the other just want to dance and so do the girls with us. We all dance a song here or there with our female company and continue about our missions, lol. Well there are several girls dancing in groups, its kinda sad to say this but we would descend upon them like wolves to lambs and make our moves. I pretty much have assumed the role of wing man by being the designated dancing guy. My boys would pick who they wanted to talk to and I would start dancing with her friend. Easy right. well Then for some reason certain groups of girls just didnt want to dance....Ok im going to get off subject here. But can someone answer this question. Why do women refuse to dance outside their group of girlfriends, and look at you like you have fucking leperiscy on your face. Esspecially with me i dont get it. because im not the creepy weirdo who goes and jumps behind womens asses and starts dry humping them. I ask and prefer to stay in front because i can actually dance that way. To me its like why the Fuck are u even out here if your not going to at least entertain the friendly pursuits of a new person, UGH! iT FUCKING PISSES ME OFF!..Ok, "Wu Saw, Wu Saw"
So there were a number of these groups, and sweet justice came when these girls that shunned me away earlier came over to me because the weird creepy guys wouldnt stay off them. So what do I do. Well I didnt leave them to fend for themselves amongst the horny barbarians. I guess it ended up ok protecting them because I was apologized to and thanked.
Wow this Getting long.
Ill try and shorten it up..So My boys got really really drunk. One actually succeeded in a scally catch and we left him to his own means. I was grabbed and hugged by one of BFF's ex, well i guess u could call her that. She asked how i was and then about him. She seemed a bit perplexed when i told her he moved to austrailia. which is actually true. LOL. she then gave me her number and was adimit about how we should hang out and catch up. lmao. anyway...Lets see I fell in love with one of the bartenders stomachs. She literally had a 6 pack that any guy would be jealous of..I got to feel her stomach =D and no one else who asked did..What Bitches! lol. OK so I think those were the significant events of that bar.
It is only 130 by this point and 2 of boys can barely stand after drinking so much and the other has proven that he is getting some, so we leave him there and we all head back to the hotel and drop off the 2 drunk bastards. The girls want to go to a different part of the city where the club that she works at is, which is American Pub.
So it was funny when we got there because they were not letting anyone in because they were crowding the door. But as soon as she saw the bouncer he parted that shit like the red sea and let us in. Ppl were pissed, lol. She definitely has rock star status here. We went strait to VIP and enjoyed free drinks and danced with each other. THis is all a lil funnier in way because its a hip hop club and including the 3 of us there were maybe 4 other white ppl in the whole club. So I felt the eyes. And I felt them burn me when a very cute black girl who was sitting by herself in VIP asked to dance with me. LOL. WE sat and talked for the last 15 min the club was open, exchanged numbers for self glorification purposes and went our separate ways. WE went and bullshitted outside and watched as the police cleared the streets. removing everyone except us. One guy even asked "what about them?" lol. Well apparently my friends rock star status extends to the police as well too. Mainly due to the fact the Sergeant in charge has a crush on her. LOL. After some talking we 3 went back to the rock stars place and had the best fucking cinnamon/sugar pancakes ever and watched UFC fights. honestly U cant beat that =D Eating yummy food while drunk and watching fights. The Fucking best part of the night.
So we all passed out. We all woke up around noon. I went to put on my flip flops but could only find one. I looked around and found a knarled strapless blue sole in the kitchen. Its obvious her dog enjoyed my foot wear for a snack, geez. The funny part about this was the dog knew exactly what he did and every time he saw me he would run away and sulk with his tail between his legs. It was funny as shit to me. I had some chucks in my bag anyway.
So to end this adventure on a relaxing note, we went and enjoyed some very delicious sushi for brunch in the plaza right by a large open window with a great view. It was nice.i had a strawberry-kiwi tuna/crab roll, crazy right!? But it was good as fuck. We said out farewells from there and I sped back home to workout , write this and next shower and go play some pool with a very cool person.

They had already been there the previous night and I drove the 2hrs the next day to meet up with the 3 of them. 6pm and they were just starting to move around from their adventures last night. They filled me in on all that I had missed and gave their individual depictions of the single female that made her way back to the room at the end of the night. And the events surrounding it, lets just say I'm glad I wasnt in the room when all that went down, LMAO!
So I brought some taco bueno and crispy cremes for everyone..they worshipped me for this act of graciousness, lol. ( because if u dont know taco bueno is the one of the best fast food taco places..EVER! and crispy creme has its own dounut god u have to pray to ;p) Well the mission was set, Top last night! And I was ready to give the OP ORDER. With me there and our girlfriend who lives and bar tends there joining us there was no stopping the fun we were going to have. Our destination is the Power and Light district in downtown KC. It is a Court yard of every bar you can think of. So there is no end to the trouble you can cause. SO in our best efforts of preparation we started pre-gaming at the hotel. Soon after around 9pm our other friend showed up and she brought her very large breasted friend ( like whatever is bigger then double E huge) This greatly pleased my boy who really only cares about boobs. Myself, I think anything more then a handful is too much. ANyway, they brought what they call applecrisp to aid in our pre-gaming. It was apple juice/cinnamon/everclear mix, it wasnt half bad and we were def ready to go after a cup each of that stuff, lol. We rushed through the hotel and out the lobby, knowing there should be a cab our two just waiting to provide aid to our drunken antics. We are only 6 blocks from our destination so its a quick ride and the evening begins =D
OUr first bar is Howl at the Moon. Older crowd with dueling pianos and a friend of ours is playing this night so we are there. We are all singing along to Johnny Cash and definitely feeling good. I take it upon myself to buy the first round of drinksfor me and one of my boys. We get about 2 drinks in apiece and the whole time singing and feeling out of place because of our lack of life experience, lol. Our girlfriend is constantly grabbing our friends ass who is playing the piano as hard as she can so not to brake note due to the sexual assault. And the Crowd finds this pretty funny, aahhh young ppl, yes we are dumb, lmao! We left there for another bar right after Mitch got called on stage for his 50th birthday and was utterly degraded by a song about how small his penis is, lol. Happy B-day Mitch, U have a small dick ;p
We Bounced from there and went to our bread and butter spot Tango at Cantinas. (My favorite spot is Angels Rock Bar, but We didnt make in there this night, Its like a prerequisite to be of SG status to work there as a woman, i love it) They play mostly 90s and todays pop rock and hip hop. Basically they try to get the drunk girls to dance on the center stage. I get drunk and get up there all the time. I havent been kicked off yet. I think its because i can actually dance. where other dudes get thrown off with the quickness. I mean I want to dance but all the girls are up there. So that is where I have to go. Well I didnt go up there on this night because it was full of Beached whales looking at what appeared to be an attempt to unbeach themselves and return to the ocean, LMFAO. Yes I can be mean. They can have their fun, I just have to find mine elsewhere. So back to the situation at hand. All 6 of us have secured a table and the immediate area and begin running operations from there. My boys are def looking for scally wags to take home. i on the other just want to dance and so do the girls with us. We all dance a song here or there with our female company and continue about our missions, lol. Well there are several girls dancing in groups, its kinda sad to say this but we would descend upon them like wolves to lambs and make our moves. I pretty much have assumed the role of wing man by being the designated dancing guy. My boys would pick who they wanted to talk to and I would start dancing with her friend. Easy right. well Then for some reason certain groups of girls just didnt want to dance....Ok im going to get off subject here. But can someone answer this question. Why do women refuse to dance outside their group of girlfriends, and look at you like you have fucking leperiscy on your face. Esspecially with me i dont get it. because im not the creepy weirdo who goes and jumps behind womens asses and starts dry humping them. I ask and prefer to stay in front because i can actually dance that way. To me its like why the Fuck are u even out here if your not going to at least entertain the friendly pursuits of a new person, UGH! iT FUCKING PISSES ME OFF!..Ok, "Wu Saw, Wu Saw"
So there were a number of these groups, and sweet justice came when these girls that shunned me away earlier came over to me because the weird creepy guys wouldnt stay off them. So what do I do. Well I didnt leave them to fend for themselves amongst the horny barbarians. I guess it ended up ok protecting them because I was apologized to and thanked.
Wow this Getting long.
Ill try and shorten it up..So My boys got really really drunk. One actually succeeded in a scally catch and we left him to his own means. I was grabbed and hugged by one of BFF's ex, well i guess u could call her that. She asked how i was and then about him. She seemed a bit perplexed when i told her he moved to austrailia. which is actually true. LOL. she then gave me her number and was adimit about how we should hang out and catch up. lmao. anyway...Lets see I fell in love with one of the bartenders stomachs. She literally had a 6 pack that any guy would be jealous of..I got to feel her stomach =D and no one else who asked did..What Bitches! lol. OK so I think those were the significant events of that bar.
It is only 130 by this point and 2 of boys can barely stand after drinking so much and the other has proven that he is getting some, so we leave him there and we all head back to the hotel and drop off the 2 drunk bastards. The girls want to go to a different part of the city where the club that she works at is, which is American Pub.
So it was funny when we got there because they were not letting anyone in because they were crowding the door. But as soon as she saw the bouncer he parted that shit like the red sea and let us in. Ppl were pissed, lol. She definitely has rock star status here. We went strait to VIP and enjoyed free drinks and danced with each other. THis is all a lil funnier in way because its a hip hop club and including the 3 of us there were maybe 4 other white ppl in the whole club. So I felt the eyes. And I felt them burn me when a very cute black girl who was sitting by herself in VIP asked to dance with me. LOL. WE sat and talked for the last 15 min the club was open, exchanged numbers for self glorification purposes and went our separate ways. WE went and bullshitted outside and watched as the police cleared the streets. removing everyone except us. One guy even asked "what about them?" lol. Well apparently my friends rock star status extends to the police as well too. Mainly due to the fact the Sergeant in charge has a crush on her. LOL. After some talking we 3 went back to the rock stars place and had the best fucking cinnamon/sugar pancakes ever and watched UFC fights. honestly U cant beat that =D Eating yummy food while drunk and watching fights. The Fucking best part of the night.
So we all passed out. We all woke up around noon. I went to put on my flip flops but could only find one. I looked around and found a knarled strapless blue sole in the kitchen. Its obvious her dog enjoyed my foot wear for a snack, geez. The funny part about this was the dog knew exactly what he did and every time he saw me he would run away and sulk with his tail between his legs. It was funny as shit to me. I had some chucks in my bag anyway.
So to end this adventure on a relaxing note, we went and enjoyed some very delicious sushi for brunch in the plaza right by a large open window with a great view. It was nice.i had a strawberry-kiwi tuna/crab roll, crazy right!? But it was good as fuck. We said out farewells from there and I sped back home to workout , write this and next shower and go play some pool with a very cool person.

Thats right, i thought i understood what was going on there, but when you go and see it for yourself it really cuts you up! x
did you call the cute black girl? you better !! lol