Time passes you by like the faded yellow lines of a dark lonely road,
blending together in a blur that leaves you unable to perceive how many
minutes or hours have passed. In fact, the whole world moves with the
same blur that outlines the trees and bushes you see on those dark
roads, traveling at speeds you don't always pay attention to. Its funny
how we live our lives like that. We move through life seeing everything
as a blur and not paying attention to just how fast or slow we are living. The next
think you know some stray situation appears before you, like a wild animal in the
middle of the road, causing you to swerve or break. Only then, does the realization
strike you that you weren't paying attention to those lines, or those blurs, or the
speed at which you were traveling. Only then do you realize, as you screech to a stop
or swerve into a ditch, just how much you truly didn't notice on this road of life.