64. Out of 64 most recent blogs only one person actually had anything 'readily visible' regarding the shootings last night in Aurora, CO. Not sure how to feel about that, but my initial gut feeling is disgusted and repulsed. Hey, I get it.. people don't like to deal with death and tragedy and horrible shit like that when there is gleeful fairies, and pixie titties to look at. Add to that the fact that there isn't really anything that can be done now, or by anyone 'commenting on the event's, that will actually change the outcome of it. Maybe its just a social stigma of feigning sympathy and concern that I am feeling the loss of in today's society... or maybe its people making a personal choice to cast an illusion of giving a fuck about their fellow man. Or maybe, I just suck at dealing with the reality that this world is so god damned egocentric that it is destined to drown in arrogance and narcissism.