I will find out in a couple days what my blood test says about my thyroid. It looks like I have a frickin adam's apple! My cousin just got thyroid cancer so I am slightly worried.
I am listening to the Flaming Lips Soft Bulletin album. It is very nice "at home" music. I think the Beta Band and the Sea and Cake are too. Good driving music is rockabilly or AC/DC. Good luck with finals everybody!!!
I am listening to the Flaming Lips Soft Bulletin album. It is very nice "at home" music. I think the Beta Band and the Sea and Cake are too. Good driving music is rockabilly or AC/DC. Good luck with finals everybody!!!

So HOT!!!

Hope you get betta, heard some of what you do too bad you live far away, I have a realy cool Jazz idea and need to share it with someone other than me. I think you would get it