damn internet ate my post.
update time
Good News:
i have a girlfriend. for me this is huge, i havn't been in a stable relationship in years. plus, i havnt had to change anything about myself for her. awesome girl, and she's cool with my immaturity.
nearly 3 year sex-free streak: over
oh ya and i bought an 80 GB iPod video. massive waste of money, but i did only pay 300 dollars for it since i get a discount at work. i saved like 150 bucks on it but i still feel stupid for paying that much for anything.
Neutral News:
i just found out i'm moving in 2 months. the drawback of moving in with my dad after i left college. my options are: stay in town and find a new place, move with him and find a new job, or move on my own find a new place and a new job in a new town. this does give me an excuse to act on the plans for a world backpacking tour that i've been planning since i was 13. full details to follow...
Bad News:
my grandfather had a heart attack on sunday afternoon of last week and is in intensive care in st.catharines. he's 96 and has been the single best role-model for me my entire life. i've looked up to this man since i understood who he was. i'm really not happy about current events as work scheduling has prevented me from getting down to see him so far. hopefully this weekend...
now that i've gotten that out of the way i can focus on my plans for this summer.
plans for the summer
i'm hoping to make it over to europe and spend some time possibly working on building low-impact housing. if i find i like it enough, i'm thinking of making the move across the pond. i need the change of scenery. i helped out on a few for family friends when i lived in british columbia so i understand the work that goes into build these.
i need to get some sleep, work in 9 hours. yay, work...
later days and good times.
update time
Good News:
i have a girlfriend. for me this is huge, i havn't been in a stable relationship in years. plus, i havnt had to change anything about myself for her. awesome girl, and she's cool with my immaturity.
nearly 3 year sex-free streak: over
oh ya and i bought an 80 GB iPod video. massive waste of money, but i did only pay 300 dollars for it since i get a discount at work. i saved like 150 bucks on it but i still feel stupid for paying that much for anything.
Neutral News:
i just found out i'm moving in 2 months. the drawback of moving in with my dad after i left college. my options are: stay in town and find a new place, move with him and find a new job, or move on my own find a new place and a new job in a new town. this does give me an excuse to act on the plans for a world backpacking tour that i've been planning since i was 13. full details to follow...
Bad News:
my grandfather had a heart attack on sunday afternoon of last week and is in intensive care in st.catharines. he's 96 and has been the single best role-model for me my entire life. i've looked up to this man since i understood who he was. i'm really not happy about current events as work scheduling has prevented me from getting down to see him so far. hopefully this weekend...
now that i've gotten that out of the way i can focus on my plans for this summer.
plans for the summer
i'm hoping to make it over to europe and spend some time possibly working on building low-impact housing. if i find i like it enough, i'm thinking of making the move across the pond. i need the change of scenery. i helped out on a few for family friends when i lived in british columbia so i understand the work that goes into build these.
i need to get some sleep, work in 9 hours. yay, work...
later days and good times.
Sorry to hear about your grandfater, man. But I do have a bit of good news: I have recently started drinking, so your dream of getting faced with a comic is within reach.
Happy Zombie Jesus Day!