Ole Joints! Beer ticks!
if I get to see them live one more time I will be happy!
I remember the last times that I saw them
they hit the cuz erwen the most since he knew why he sung everything personally.

good tunes.
I've never had a better time dancing!!
Rachet! Rachet!!
People are classy and funny !!
Can't stop laughing!!
Wat a goood night!!eeeklove

Blarrgggh im a stupid face!
sad feelins get out dah way! move bitch get out dah way! get out dah way bitch! get out dah way!
I miss my fam...why don't I ever get good news?
oh hey!
this party was so fun!
the baby shower was so cute!!
I got my degree!
well got it out of my system. tyme to breathe!
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im trying to blog but I cant post any of my pics to japan!
trying to pic everything but it wont work sad face...
well if you wanna ghander


good tymes
I have just recently been finding a path to my sub-conscious, thru deep meditation, I have been experiencing quite a few different things.

my dreams have become very vivid, whether it is my dream or not, its been interesting and it has been horrifying. the shit I have seen, when I was a child that I don't ever recall and now I have seen again...
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Very true.
it all very interesting stufflove
Time to put my weary mind to rest, meditation, my peace.

"In your grace, Hear my prayer

take me now, to thy care

where you are, let me be

take me now, take me there

bring me home, bring me home"

To imagine, for a thought to be so powerful.
Looper. Great movie. Love this song.

This song hits my heart.

My poke'mon laugh!!

haha couldn't stop laughing!!! who let spider man in the house??

Went and chilled off base today. hit up the Qatari water park. 1 hour of solid fun, that's it. then the souqs for rough ass shisha. then off to the mall to walk around and look at shit for hours...
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I really enjoyed Looper. Some say it is very predictive, but I didn't think so. Or I was just super tired that day and wasn't trying to figure it out. confused
yeah I had to watch the end at least 10 times! it was just so intense! I was hooked the whole time.
Damn you espn. Well played with the service members that go home and see their families. Wether it be 6 or 12 months I can't wait to go home
tis been awhile since I have done a blaaagh on the suicide chats. I don't know many people on here so who will actually read this I have no idea. when I find the time I will write the whats really been on my mind, what I have planned, if I make it past everything thing that I have done to myself and have done...
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back in alaskers...its a good feelingeeeklove