I think this is the first time i can say i am feeling good since my "actions" in December.
Still need to figure a few things out, but it seems like i can say things on a positive note.
maybe try to hold my head up high.
not fuck up anything like i usually do.
I fear I have truly taken life for granted for a long time.
it is an eye opener
when you go on to a plane
to carry a fallen comrade
and to send them home
in the worst way imaginable
it hurts my heart
to see such a thing
you do not know this person
but you love them
for they have given up the... Read More
this website really sucks...you gotta be kidding me...
the process to sign in and actually take my classes has been the biggest headache in a long time
holy smokes!
still trying to get help, one class starts today and now this shit aint working
waiting for agent
and I really have to pee...
I have a funny feeling if I... Read More
I'm glad ya like them!
2 of them are cake. I had to drop 1. wanted another $300 for a program, haha F that!
my situation is bleak but I hoping for the best!
prepared for the worst.
Goodness I must being going loco to try and understand this
im getting smarter.
this is literally blowing my mind
totally consenual
I still want to train my mind even more and expand it at much as possible!
but there is still one thing that I will always know
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
An interesting read on love. I would like to believe this is true to all beings for which it seems to me most likely in my perception.
What does it mean to you?
something you desire?
something for granted?
something to lost?
something good?
something evil?
I have read this 20 times over+
I would agree this is how love transforms for the individual... Read More
this is good bye for chat!
but in your absence
a phoenix will rise from the ashes
birth a new chat somewhere
until that day
I will just do regular stuff
on an other note
I had done another successful past life regression
I just might be cray
or enlightened
who knows at this point
well for the past 3 months I have been past life regression hypnosis on my self every noon and night.
I love the relaxation that I get from it. it feels like no matter how hard it gets I can breathe and get my thoughts sorted.
last night ive had a break through with the regression.
quite exciting!
I finally broke... Read More