Follow up to last blog post! Rams are officially coming back to L.A ;) The Chargers have the chose to come also or not! If they don't then Raiders will then be able to move make sure Los Angeles will have two teams! San Diego has a year to reply!

My best hope we get Raiders, hater learn how to act & or go to...
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Liz Habib said some Owner think The Raiders have an image problem! I agree, something tells me that they'll be more fighting then if other teams came! Safety first right?

Raiders where the first ones to want to come out hear because they are not making enough money! Then Charges wanted to move hear because of Raiders! It's a business move because they don't want...
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On behalf of Pac 12 fans I want to apologize for Stanford's band to the Iowa State Hawk Eyes and their fans! If that was USC this city would be pissed! I'm saying where do you draw the line? I think Master P said it! Never talk down on a player unless your ready to be labeled as a hater! ;)


After all the times I talk about zombies on Facebook & maybe SG gaming truth I onlyed played Call of Duty Black Ops & World War Z is my favorite Zombie movie! Along with Resident Evil & Resident Evil After Life! Walking Dead season one! Favorite also! Now I just got The Last of Us! I love it haha! The other war game I played...
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"Hello darkness my old friend!" Lol reminds meee of bible my bro told mee! King Solomon had demons build him a cassel!🏤


Merry Christmas SGWorld I feel all good haha did my daily thing NOW ready for a great night with friends & fam!!


I like the Gtoh episode! Haha from that I learnerd Goth's hate the world haha emos hate themselves hahaha. For some some I think it's true. Plus it had something to do with what bands they listen to hahabaha!

Also PC Principel,, at first I was like I'm not sure if I like it then after the story line with him and Stand's dad's habahaba...
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The way I make NFL picks is what I know! As far as AZ, last I remember the had Carols Danssby. Now I'm not sure if he's still on the team! If not I'm sure they got somebody dope to replace that's just how teams are! Lions are my favorite team I said "didn't want to Jinx!" Also I think I next year it will...
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If u watch Raiders notice the reffs don't call the game fair. They miss pi calls I think it's so Obvious I don't understand why they don't do anything about that. Not to mention The Calvin Johnson Rule

The reason I picked Broncos & Panthers in the Super Bolw! Broncos have a great running game & defense! They built there team that way! I notice...
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From Rastafarian I lean this interpretation of The King James Version of the Bible!

Noah's Ark Had Noah and his wife and three sons & their wives! (Side note I use explanation points because I went running today!) they repopulate the earth! (When compared to Chimpanzees gens it proves that humans have similar gens between people in different Continents! Closer then Chimpanzees in the same...
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Even tho Payton Manning is hurt the back up still can make it to the Super Bowl & lose to Cam Newton! :)

What the 2nd QB brings is he's more athletic can make throws to the opposite side of his body's momentum! They joke that Manny can barley move his neck! :)


I'm reading The Hunger Games on Amazon Kindle! Lol how long will this take? I mean kids read books I really want to finish this one!