new message...
yeah so i dont post on here as much as i should, i dunno but my days have been running into weeks and weeks running into months, its already july and i havent done anything with myself this year. lame. i moved back to the city over two months ago and i dont do anything with my life except drink to much forget...
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yeah so i dont post on here as much as i should, i dunno but my days have been running into weeks and weeks running into months, its already july and i havent done anything with myself this year. lame. i moved back to the city over two months ago and i dont do anything with my life except drink to much forget...
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woah almost over a year since i last posted something... geezzzz
someone wanna give a little heads up about whats new!?
<3 mike.
someone wanna give a little heads up about whats new!?
<3 mike.
your pictures fuckin rock 


okay, so i decide to not be a home body anymore,. and go out more offen then im normally do, and yeah i have been having fun with my friends,
but i try to go and meet new people,(aka girls)
but i havent had any lucky.
mike is getting lonely!
but i try to go and meet new people,(aka girls)
but i havent had any lucky.
mike is getting lonely!
imgggg id kill to live in jersey. im thinking about moving i just love it over there. Canada sucks to be honest
going out with the purpose of meeting people is too high pressure for me. i'm impressed by your commitment.
how's it going noooow?
how's it going noooow?
so lets give it up for snow once agian on the east coast.
wow. soo heres my story today..
yesterday it was so nice out before it begain to rain, so i assumed that today since it wasnt going to rain was going to be nice well at least tshirt weather.. so i got all ready for work, and i opened my door to go...
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wow. soo heres my story today..
yesterday it was so nice out before it begain to rain, so i assumed that today since it wasnt going to rain was going to be nice well at least tshirt weather.. so i got all ready for work, and i opened my door to go...
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well hello hello agian...
i just slept about 14 hours.. and it only made me more tired.
sucks... i think im am going to go back to sleep.
soo i didnt have a valentine and everyone in the world around me did.
whatever floats there boat, it snowed all day on valentines day so i hope they all lost there plans.
cheer me up?
i just slept about 14 hours.. and it only made me more tired.
sucks... i think im am going to go back to sleep.
soo i didnt have a valentine and everyone in the world around me did.
whatever floats there boat, it snowed all day on valentines day so i hope they all lost there plans.
cheer me up?

new main pic..
new head on my shoulders..
mwah mwah mwah!!
new main pic..
new head on my shoulders..
mwah mwah mwah!!

o yeah i remember now. im sorry about that.
awesome !
my virginity story isn't all that exciting..
yours has more shock value....
my virginity story isn't all that exciting..

yours has more shock value....

hello hello.
i hope everyone is well. just thought i throw out there, that i just started a new band, the name is up in the air, but its electronica if anyone is into that type of stuff.. you can check it out here...
Baurer Starship!
let me know what you think!
i hope everyone is well. just thought i throw out there, that i just started a new band, the name is up in the air, but its electronica if anyone is into that type of stuff.. you can check it out here...
Baurer Starship!
let me know what you think!
i def will my aim is chocolatcoverd so u kno 

Nice virginity story, awesome
Thanks for the comment on my set, way back when

Thanks for the comment on my set, way back when

yeahh so if you have the chance.. go listen to the new brand new cd.. its soo sad and amazing.. possibly the best cd they have ever put out. but yeah someone hook me up with a really cute girl. or talk to me!! haha
bored much...
aim - fawktheysynth
My Band - Dear Rose,
if you like angels and airwaves. or brand new and...
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bored much...
aim - fawktheysynth
My Band - Dear Rose,
if you like angels and airwaves. or brand new and...
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Hope your T-day was good
Brand New= Love

Brand New= Love
dreamers dont live, they only dream about it.
you know its been harder now adays to even find myself wanting to come close to anything in my life. i find myself in a dream all the time, i dont know if im alive or what...
i need to wake up!!
Heart huring sucks more... people don't realize how it hurts until it is done to them.
Main street is great.... but the cops suck
Main street is great.... but the cops suck

geez wow, its been since march i have posted anything on here, christ. honestly i just rmemeber my password, and i havent had a chnace to do any updates until now. soo yeahhh, what has everyone been up too?
yeah i was cheated on twice in the since march.. awesome.
make me feel at home!!
<3 mike.
yeah i was cheated on twice in the since march.. awesome.
make me feel at home!!
<3 mike.

aww i'm sorry.
What a hoe. Cheaters suck.
Ain't Media the shit?! Haha
Ain't Media the shit?! Haha

god its been forever since i have actually been on here, my internet has been down so everytime i try to get on it wont let me, it sucks. but i miss everyone.
how are you all!!!
how are you all!!!

don't worry, i have only started honouring my promise that i will be on sg much more.
come back soon!!!
come back soon!!!

i love you all!

happy valentine's day to you too hun

hey SGPHilly is drinking @ Johnny Brendas tonight around 10PM. Its an open event and you should come out and meet us. then we can vouch for you to get in the group