I was messing around on FB last week and i got a message from a girl i haven't seen in years ( she was married at the time to a guy i was stationed with). well since then we have been talking alot and really hit it off. She'll be coming up to see me once i get settled back into omaha, and i'm really excited! it is very strange how life sometimes will just kick you around, and then just drop something great right into your lap. which has happened alot in the last few days actually. my best friend for years told me to come crash on his couch til my place is readdy for me, and he even talked to people and lined me up a job for when i get back. so, all in all it has been a good week and i can't wait to get home and start putting everything back in order!
More Blogs
Friday Apr 22, 2011
So, still waiting to start the new job. they started a new computer s… -
Tuesday Apr 12, 2011
keep you all updated. the lady said that i have all the qualities/ qu… -
Saturday Apr 09, 2011
well, i have an interview at ITT tech here in town on tues. I'll be i… -
Monday Feb 14, 2011
happy valentine's day everyone! -
Wednesday Oct 06, 2010
I was messing around on FB last week and i got a message from a girl … -
Wednesday Sep 29, 2010
I'm getting ready to move back to Omaha at the end of October. I was … -
Wednesday Aug 18, 2010
so, i guess my account wasn't up. well everything has been going good… -
Wednesday Jul 28, 2010
so, my account should be up in a few days or so, but i will be back o… -
Monday Jun 14, 2010
haven't done a blog in a while, so i figured i'd throw something up. … -
Wednesday Apr 21, 2010
I haven't wrote here in a while. Mainly due to not having a reliable …