I had let my membership expire because I was busy concentrating on the store and my side project. As far as the store goes the last year and a half have been a whirl wind. We managed to outlive a few competitors, so I inherited their customers. Now, I'm am getting ready to open a second store and become a chain! One to my side...
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Well, the store is still chugging along. We have been open for 26 months now and as we have watched other stores open and close we have managed to slip through. I keep hoping that as that attrition keeps claiming stores our clientele will gradually grow. We also started taking online orders. So warning incoming shameless promotion. If you know of anyone that vapes send...
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Hey Everyone, it has been a really busy time! My store has been open 18 months in just a few days. It feels no where near that long. I have decided to take the full plunge into photography. I had been dabbling into it a little here or there, but decided to go all the way in. Hopefully, here in the near future I could...
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Thanks for the friend request.
So, here is a quick recap....
I finished my first quarter of school with highest honors

Had a great time in Vegas. Except the Friday night I was there. I was in a show at Excalibur and some asshole came in and shot his ex girlfriend and one of the other cocktail girls....
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