Wednesday Mar 02, 2005 Mar 1, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Ahh, the snow's gone--so my big idea of the snow-shoot-set is evaporated too--next time I'll be smarter and have it set up BEFORE the snow comes. VIEW 11 of 11 COMMENTS poetik: With the luck we're having it could snow again... Mar 6, 2005 kharnalbloodlust: your twwly set was lovely! it's a shame all the snow is gone. it was almost 60 degrees here in indy today. seems like every year has less and less snow. without snow, i miss out on so many of my favorite winter activities. =/ anyway, just wanted to say hi. Mar 6, 2005
it's a shame all the snow is gone. it was almost 60 degrees here in indy today. seems like every year has less and less snow. without snow, i miss out on so many of my favorite winter activities. =/
anyway, just wanted to say hi.