Hello my loves! How's it going? I've fallen behind on my homework as guess what, once again I'm moving house. Hopefully for good this time! Anyway, here's the few I've missed in one little blog:
1. If you could run your own business, what would it be?
(So this isn't really what I want to do as a career but what I want to do, I don't think I'd want to actually run my own business in) I've always really liked the idea of having my own little vegan coffee and cake shop or cafe. I love baking (and eating my own cake) and love cute little cafes where you can just sit and relax. There isn't any where I live that specifically caters to vegan eating either and I know how much I'd love for somewhere to pop up. If I ran one though I'd definitely have the option open for people to buy food and drink for homeless people which they could come in and collect (like a few places I've heard of) and of course I'd allow pets in. It would just be a warm, safe environment where everyone could chill out.
2. If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?
I have asked myself this question time and time again with how much I've fucked up in my 24 years and my answer is and always will be 'nothing'. Without everything that's happened in my life, I wouldn't be the person I am today. Sure it's meant a loss in job opportunities, money, lack of confidence and much more but I don't regret anything. I always think of the butterfly effect and how I may not know the people I do or even have my son and I'd rather have them and be the person I am rather than think what if? Heres something a friend once said to me; 'Never a regret. Always a lesson'. That will always stick with me.
3. What is the geekiest thing about you?
I suppose I'm in to a fair few things that class as 'geeky' but the one thing I geek over the most is horror movies. I've probably mentioned this a bunch of times but I really do just love them! All different genres, from all different decades, ugh I just love them. I end up throwing out useless fact after useless fact when watching them and can guess what's going to happen in most just from seeing so many (I have to admit, my collection is pretty damn amazing!). the one thing I can't stand though is unnecessary CGI. Anyone who knows me, knows how much this shit angers me. I get that it's cheaper and easier but my god does it ruin some incredible movies and just makes me hate them. Io could go on all day, but I said I'd make this a little blog. I may have to start doing a monthly horror blog, maybe?
4. Top 5 songs of all time?
I have no idea if I could narrow it down to just 5 so I'm just going to name what I listen to the most (as stated by itunes):
Phantom Of The Opera by Iron Maiden
FCPREMIX by Fall Of Troy
Take It Away by The Used
Detroit Rock City by KISS
Surrender by Billy Talent
Spit It Out by Slipknot
I know I listed 6 but I couldn't leave the last one off!
5. Tell us your favourite lame joke:
Okay so these are the ones I tell people the most:
- Did you hear about the plastic surgeon? He sat by the fire and melted
- What cheese do you use to attract a bear? Camembert
- Two men walk in to a bar. The first orders a drink 'I'll have some H2o please'. The second orders a drink 'I'll have some H202'. The second man dies.
- Why can't melons run away and get married? They Canteloupe
6. Share an experience you've had or a friendship you've made through SG
I will write a seperate blog for this one!
7. What is your favourite game?
Board game is Monopoly
Video game is Spyro or Tetris
Drinking game: Red Fang (my own creation which I've decided to write a blog about with other things drink related at another time).
I'm going to start writing specific blogs from time to time so anything you'd like to see me write about, let me know!