Is the Sg Homework by @missy and @rambo this week.
I always think of little ideas and inventions, but every single time, someone else has done them first (I take after my Mom, she invented something and then all of a sudden a woman from our city had made it big and got rich from it haha). Anyway, I've come up with everything ranging from a buggy brolly to keep the parent dry whilst pushing a buggy to a vibrator that attaches to phones and tablets - both of which were idiotic and well, I found out people had made them -_-
So I won't be too serious in this and I will say that the one thing, if I could invent ANYTHING, would definitely, 100% be:
The hover board! That's right. How many people can say that they watched Back To The Future and didn't want one of those things?! They looked so cool, even cooler than the wearing of double ties. I know I'd want one.