This homework topic from @rambo and @missy is just awesome! I'm one of those people who, wherever they are, imagines how they'd survive the end of the world or a zombie apocalypse. And so whilst watching The Purge, I did exactly that.
Okay, so this could go one of three ways, but since I wouldn't be one of the people out there killing others, it could only really go two for me. And those are; inside or out on the streets.
If something like this really happened, the idillic place to be would of course (for me anyway) be at home, and to be safe. I would make sure before even living somewhere that it had 2 exits and an attic filled with supplies for the night to be able to hide and survive in. I would also want to make sure that I had weapons handy just incase someone did get in.
Now if I were to be out on the street, firstly I would keep out of plain view. I would wear all black to blend in to shadows more easily and I would try and stick to as many alley ways and side roads as possible as even though dangerous, theres still a chance of less people seeing and finding you. I would make sure that I carried a quiet weapon around with me all day incase I did get stuck outside, and make sure it were something quiet but effective, like a gun with a silencer, a crossbow, a big ass bat etc, because lets face it, you wouldn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to yourself. I'd keep to the side roads and alleys until I could find an abandoned building/factory/house. Something big and empty but still with plenty of spaces to hide just incase someone else arrives and simply try and hold up in there and survive until morning.