Jack of all trades, master of none. A phrase I'm all too common with. Heard from parent and teacher and knowing it myself. I don't seem to possess a talent. I mean, I can draw well but not amazingly, I can produce and mix music but there are those much better than me, I can write but I'm not author.
For about 2 years, since leaving university (after realising I didn't want to even study what I was studying, let alone work in that industry) I have been wondering constantly what I could do for a career. I don't just want a job, I want a career, something I can grow with.
Well, why not use my 'jack of all trades' knowledge, try better myself at as many subjects as I can and have myself a wide range of jobs I could do? I have all the basic necessary knowledge for an online assistant, web design or to even start up small business so why not put it in to practice? I'm sure I could come up with a career where I could even be my own boss if I thought hard enough. I always have ideas come in to my head that I'm told are stupid or I won't be able to do without money but I bet I could teach myself the majority of knowledge necessary and only need a small amount of money to start. I'll probably get told I'm being stupid doing this (like I do with almost everything) but I don't think it's too far fetched and completely doable.
I'll do it.
Dream big, start small.
Pictures for those of you who don't want to read my blabbering. Also, I found this and I love it, sadly, I don't know who the artists is though