I went on 2 dates since I have been single. Both were within the last 2 weeks. Lemme tell you, the first was one of those.."OMFG. This is what I get for meeting someone on my Facebook" dates.
The guy had soooooo much cologne on, it wafted through the parking lot like 100 feet away. As he drew closer, my stomach lurched, and NOT in a good way. When I saw him, I was like....meh.
NOT my type at all. Whatever, I figured, I was there..he may be a nice guy, at least, he SEEMED nice and normal in the texts we had and online messaging. UH. YEAH. We went into the movies-a matinee of Harry Potter 7, by the way. Midway through the flick, I had to leave to go to the bathroom to text my friend- if I should just leave, while escape was still possible. She said, "RUN while you still can". I went back. The cologne was fucking STIFLING. And to make matters worse, he did the "Hey, my hand is cold..." bit...like, for me to hold his hand?
I told him he should have worn a jacket. I managed to stay through the entire movie with Mr. Cool Water Cologne from hell. He wanted to take me to dinner afterward, but my daughter wasn't answering her phone, so I told him I had to go. (Thank Gawd) Well, the next day, I had a busy schedule. I recieved a dozen texts from him, some detailing how he drank 2 bottles of Crown, and washed 6 vicodin down- cause he was depressed. As the next couple days came and went, he filled up my texts in my phone to almost 80%, and started calling me "babe" and telling me how half of a settlement he was gonna get, would be all mine if I dated him. Ummmm. Yeeahhhhh. It got progressively WORSE after that. It got sooo bad that I had to block all calls and texts from his number on my cell carrier! I also had to block him on Facebook as well. My friends are convinced he will be waiting outside my job one day to follow me home. UGH.
My next date was interesting. The guy was a classmate of mine, and we hadn't seen eachother in like, 20 years? We met on Facebook, and he came over to visit me from Oahu. I had to work tonight...and it was insanely busy. My date and I were suppossed to go out for a drink...or to a late dinner. However, it was wayyyyy too late when I got out of work. So....we went and chatted at a scenic lookout. It was actually an amazing date, and he is taking me too lunch tomorrow! I am freakin' excited! It's nice to know all guys are not psychos!

My next date was interesting. The guy was a classmate of mine, and we hadn't seen eachother in like, 20 years? We met on Facebook, and he came over to visit me from Oahu. I had to work tonight...and it was insanely busy. My date and I were suppossed to go out for a drink...or to a late dinner. However, it was wayyyyy too late when I got out of work. So....we went and chatted at a scenic lookout. It was actually an amazing date, and he is taking me too lunch tomorrow! I am freakin' excited! It's nice to know all guys are not psychos!

thanks Akuten and jman. Things can only get better from here on out! 

hope your doing good.