I have been quite a busy little bee!
Yes, I have been working... but I managed to go out- and have a social life for about a month and a half, which was pretty interesting! I pretty much went out 3 to 5 nights a week- and stayed out partying from 2 to 4 am! ( Now THAT was out of the norm for me!! ) What can I say? I went on a fast for 10 days, and lost alot of weight... and was lookin' real good... I wanted to go out!
Eh! That's probably why I got so bloody sick for awhile! I ended up with walkling pneumonia... NOT FUN. I suppose that was my body's way of telling me to "calm the fuck down". So I have. I have mellowed out once again... for now!
Oh! And I have still kept my weight off- a total of about 15 pounds! Yay!
Well, I'm back regardless....so what've I missed?