"It's raining...it's pouring... MikalaLee is bitching...."
OK. I give up on trying to predict the weather for the summertime here! Looks like it's goona' be pretty funky to me!!!
I had to work last night... joy of joys!!
Made some $$. Then, went out and spent it all on late night sushi and fine, chilled sake'!! What's a girl to do?! At least you DON'T get a hang over with sake'!
I gotta' be happy about THAT!
I am OFF tomorrow kiddies!! Let's hope for fun in the sun, shall we?!

I had to work last night... joy of joys!!

I am OFF tomorrow kiddies!! Let's hope for fun in the sun, shall we?!

I'm sure that the state of Hawai'i having a Republican governor has got to seriously upset the balance of nature, doesn't it?
At the very least, it seriously annoys Lono.
But you're right about my part of the mainland...we haven't had a major earthquake here since 1886. Though, the way things are going now, I'm beginning to believe that anything is possible...