I've been having trouble understanding English lately. All spoken or sung language, as a matter of fact. Written is just fine. Perhaps it's just on television where eveyone shouts to be understood, as if shouting makes one's speech more coherent. Seriously, I think I've been watching far too much television. It's making me spinal. Am I gonna see God, Mommy?
I need to stop watching television altogther. Usually I just have it on in the background as I work, but it's been steadily gaining my attention more and more as I get back into the political headspace I was last fall. Can't help it! I don't like being in a Democracy and not having control. Knowledge is control. Hearing differing viewpoints is key to knowledge. Therefore I read and I watch TV. Regretfully I don't listen to the broadcast radio much -- only internet radio. Yay podcasting. But then we get back to the me-not-understanding-spoken-language thing.
Maybe it's a sign of mental illness. Or just surfacing subconscious disdain for the way modern Western society uses humanity's greatest gift. Maybe I'm subconsciously shutting out what I don't want to hear. Whatever it is, it's a very strage thing when it happens.
But Fucking A, it all sounds like a beatbox when people speak. I'm hearing not just accent but cadence and tempo. The words themselves don't even matter as every thought is conveyed with differing tones and rhythm. The language just doesn't get processed. As if being run through a comprehension-filter in my brain somewhere. All that's left is an interesting music that I wish I could sample somehow...
I watched and met URL=http://www.kimyadawson.com/]Kimya Dawson tonight and understood her perfectly 100%. Such a rare, gentle person. And it turns out she's been playing some shows with a guy from Grand Haven (the old domicile) who played a show with me and my old band two Halloweens ago. Weird, huh? I love how strange life is sometime.
I need to stop watching television altogther. Usually I just have it on in the background as I work, but it's been steadily gaining my attention more and more as I get back into the political headspace I was last fall. Can't help it! I don't like being in a Democracy and not having control. Knowledge is control. Hearing differing viewpoints is key to knowledge. Therefore I read and I watch TV. Regretfully I don't listen to the broadcast radio much -- only internet radio. Yay podcasting. But then we get back to the me-not-understanding-spoken-language thing.
Maybe it's a sign of mental illness. Or just surfacing subconscious disdain for the way modern Western society uses humanity's greatest gift. Maybe I'm subconsciously shutting out what I don't want to hear. Whatever it is, it's a very strage thing when it happens.
But Fucking A, it all sounds like a beatbox when people speak. I'm hearing not just accent but cadence and tempo. The words themselves don't even matter as every thought is conveyed with differing tones and rhythm. The language just doesn't get processed. As if being run through a comprehension-filter in my brain somewhere. All that's left is an interesting music that I wish I could sample somehow...
I watched and met URL=http://www.kimyadawson.com/]Kimya Dawson tonight and understood her perfectly 100%. Such a rare, gentle person. And it turns out she's been playing some shows with a guy from Grand Haven (the old domicile) who played a show with me and my old band two Halloweens ago. Weird, huh? I love how strange life is sometime.
the liquipoop was actually before i ate the mexican. i was a little leary about eating mexican but i've been ok so far.
I have no idea what you just said there.