Work? Me? Of course. But not on shit I WISH I was working on. Starting a business is the hardest part, I've come to learn. But progress is being made little by little, hindered only by the lazines and inaction of inept others. The fuckers.
I'm ready to start drinking again. A little. Maybe. Herb for sure, though. phillipetheotter came by with a organic, green surprise that seriously blew my mind. Having cleaned my body out over the past week or so made the cannabinoids a heavy pychedelic experience. Almost too much to handle. My apologies, phillipe and hansel if i was twitchy or said inappropriate things.
Weekend almost here!! I get to see Les!
I'm ready to start drinking again. A little. Maybe. Herb for sure, though. phillipetheotter came by with a organic, green surprise that seriously blew my mind. Having cleaned my body out over the past week or so made the cannabinoids a heavy pychedelic experience. Almost too much to handle. My apologies, phillipe and hansel if i was twitchy or said inappropriate things.

Weekend almost here!! I get to see Les!

sorry this has nothing to do with your journal but i was lookin at your pic and i saw the one at Multnomah Falls, i went there once and i have to say that was the hardest walk/hike ever. ... sorry just brought back lots of memories, i didnt get pic when i was there so it was cool to see.... sorry to bug you

have a beer, on me