I would consider myself as "happily content" if it weren't for the mankind's ugliest. most heinous invention: money.
So many of us work so hard just so we can barely stay alive. Between taxes, necessary items like food, shelter, education and transportation, there is no room left for happiness.
There have been many moments lately when I can't help but fantasize of throwing it all away. Everything that consumes me. But that isn't the answer, for I'd be that much more of an animal, fighting for a place to sleep, scrounging and stealing my food. I do too much of that already. I want a better world. For myself and my eventual family. For my neighbors and friends. We can be happy! We just all need some breathing room. And time we can give ourselves to reflect upon what happiness really is.
The forty hour work week is slave labor, at least for me, because I pay my taxes and I don't have anything left for myself. I have certifications and degrees but not a damn thing to show for it but a tired body with a 40% chance of cancer and an 80% chance of heart disease thirty years from now. Nice future to look forward to, eh? So what am I supposed to do in the interrum? Work to forget? Drink myself to an early grave, so the cancer and the clogged arteries don't get me first? Buy things in such excess that I force myself to believe that I'm happy?
There's no way out of this horrid culture. We can run, we can pretend it's not there, but there's no balance anymore, if there ever was any in the first place. The problem is, too many people are content in living this way. Maybe they're not, but they sure don't do anything about it. I want to do something but I don't know what. I just want to live in peace with my surroundings and neighbors. Contribute what I can to society, not because I'm legally or morally obligated, but because I actually want to. Is that so wrong?
This society is top-heavy. There are too many people to please. Too many points of view to see. Too many voices crowding the bandwidth, and I'm one of them. Imagine one hour of nobody saying a word. No television noise pollution. No traffic. No machines. No screaming, singing, crying, fighting. Just silence and reflection, confronting oursleves with what humanity has become and where we might be going.

So many of us work so hard just so we can barely stay alive. Between taxes, necessary items like food, shelter, education and transportation, there is no room left for happiness.
There have been many moments lately when I can't help but fantasize of throwing it all away. Everything that consumes me. But that isn't the answer, for I'd be that much more of an animal, fighting for a place to sleep, scrounging and stealing my food. I do too much of that already. I want a better world. For myself and my eventual family. For my neighbors and friends. We can be happy! We just all need some breathing room. And time we can give ourselves to reflect upon what happiness really is.
The forty hour work week is slave labor, at least for me, because I pay my taxes and I don't have anything left for myself. I have certifications and degrees but not a damn thing to show for it but a tired body with a 40% chance of cancer and an 80% chance of heart disease thirty years from now. Nice future to look forward to, eh? So what am I supposed to do in the interrum? Work to forget? Drink myself to an early grave, so the cancer and the clogged arteries don't get me first? Buy things in such excess that I force myself to believe that I'm happy?
There's no way out of this horrid culture. We can run, we can pretend it's not there, but there's no balance anymore, if there ever was any in the first place. The problem is, too many people are content in living this way. Maybe they're not, but they sure don't do anything about it. I want to do something but I don't know what. I just want to live in peace with my surroundings and neighbors. Contribute what I can to society, not because I'm legally or morally obligated, but because I actually want to. Is that so wrong?
This society is top-heavy. There are too many people to please. Too many points of view to see. Too many voices crowding the bandwidth, and I'm one of them. Imagine one hour of nobody saying a word. No television noise pollution. No traffic. No machines. No screaming, singing, crying, fighting. Just silence and reflection, confronting oursleves with what humanity has become and where we might be going.
Money is evil
trying to save myself, its not working.