Cats are amazing. I've decided to play hooky today from work and it has been wonderful. I spent the entire morning reading, I was able to finish the book that I picked up last night. I got all of the dishes done finally, trust me that was a big task, and I have enjoyed the company of my cats the entire day. My babies are walking all over my keyboard right now making typing slow going but it is worth it. My male has been sleeping on my feet all day while my female has been lying on my chest. It is wonderful how loved an animal can make you feel. I thought for sure that they were going to give me shit once I got back from my trip but boy was I mistaken. My cats have this adorable habit of drooling when they are extreamly happy and I was soaked as I tried to go to bed that night. I really miss having dogs but I wouldn't give up my cats for the world
hey miho...did you get my e-mail?? when you get the chance IM or mail me back
That's so cute...isnt playing hooky fun not so much what you do but just doing it. Havent done that in a while....