It feels like we were robbed of the last days of summer. I went camping up in manning for the long weekend knowing that it would be a litle chilly but hoping for the best. In keeping with my optimism I packed one pair of shorts and one bathing suit. I should have known better right? It was so cold that I was wearing multiple layers and still freezing my cute little butt off. I came back with some great memories though. On our second day up there the sun had decided to come out for a short period of time and the rain had eased off into a mist, watching the mist fall through the trees highlighted by the sun was amazing. Another fond memory is the one of me locking the keys in the car in the middle of manning. We had to call BCAA and it took them a while but all's well that ends well right? My friends will never let me live that one down
Since we have been back there hasn't even been one day that could be called shorts weather. Has anyone else noticed that summer ended really abruptly this year? Usually there are a few days where you can tell it is cooling down and you can prepare yourself for it but this year I woke up one morning and it was fall. It is time to get ready to face another rainy day.
It's September 17 and it hasn't snowed here in Calgary yet, meaning that we're already doing better than we did last year.
I tried tonight, but i could only do half, it was sooooo much!!!