Ah yes... another good day. Well it ended well, at least.
The shoot was long, and hot. I got a touch of sunburn at the top of my forehead. As usual, I had nothing to do for most of the day. We finally got to shooting our big trick of the day... that went over by 2 hours. There was problems with the props, with the choreography... then it started to rain and shorted out our gennie, our lights, and our video village.
We finally finished, headed back to the hotel. I went for Thai food with Penn, Krasher (his business manager) and Goudeau (one of their writers). It was a blast... I love being one of the cool kids.
Cayman is WAY better than Bahamas. In the Bahamas we were at Atlantis, which is like it's own island, totally seperate, huge, and just awful. you couldn't escape it.... but in Cayman, the people are nicer, the hotel is nicer, smaller, emptier, right on the beach... you can leave the hotel and find a million places to grab food... the American dollar doesn't go as far here though... too bad we have to go back to Atlantis in a few days
Things are so much happier now... I almost don't want to go home. ALMOST! I still miss my Insaniac
The shoot was long, and hot. I got a touch of sunburn at the top of my forehead. As usual, I had nothing to do for most of the day. We finally got to shooting our big trick of the day... that went over by 2 hours. There was problems with the props, with the choreography... then it started to rain and shorted out our gennie, our lights, and our video village.
We finally finished, headed back to the hotel. I went for Thai food with Penn, Krasher (his business manager) and Goudeau (one of their writers). It was a blast... I love being one of the cool kids.
Cayman is WAY better than Bahamas. In the Bahamas we were at Atlantis, which is like it's own island, totally seperate, huge, and just awful. you couldn't escape it.... but in Cayman, the people are nicer, the hotel is nicer, smaller, emptier, right on the beach... you can leave the hotel and find a million places to grab food... the American dollar doesn't go as far here though... too bad we have to go back to Atlantis in a few days
Things are so much happier now... I almost don't want to go home. ALMOST! I still miss my Insaniac

cool kids eat with teller.

at zankou