My favorite call of the day: An editor dropped off her reel a few weeks ago to be considered for work. Apparently it was her last one or her only one or something and another place she interviewed at wants to see it. However, the person who she dropped it off with here at the office is now out-of-state on a 3 week shoot - along with most of the rest of the office. So she says "Oh man I am so screwed" and starts asking me to ask all these different people to go help her out.
Look lady, it's your problem, not mine. Go make more tapes and stop being a dumbass.
Look lady, it's your problem, not mine. Go make more tapes and stop being a dumbass.
Are you kidding me? She needs to be removed from the gene pool. Sorry you even had to deal with her.
If it is the kind of tape I think make me a copy while your at it.