Holy crap, I met MADONNA! The whole thing is such a blur....
The radio station said to be at the Westwood Borders by 2. So of course, I'm OCD and show up at noon (after a quick but oh-so-tasty lunch at my favorite tiny Lebonese restraunt - on the corner of Santa Monica and Westwood if you are in the area).
We got there early enough that we were the 3rd pair in line (I brought my mom because she is a pretty big Madonna fan too). As they usually are at these things, the people are all really nice, so we "bond" with them over the 4 hours we are standing in line (thegirl at the front of the line is an even bigger fan than I!). The security is TIGHT! No cameras, no cell phones, no personal belongings of any kind. We put everything except car keys and ID int he car - and those they confiscated until after we met her.
The thing was on the 2nd floor, and before it began they had bomb squads sweeping the place. Madonna did a reading to some elementry school kids (what the fuck - they they are old enough to appreciate that they are meeting MADONNA!). Then they lined us up and we got to go in to her little stage-area to meet her.
We got to go up one at a time, and just speak to her for a minute, and she handed us each a pre-signed (but not stamped) book. I totally lost it. I have never been starstruck before but c'mon, it's Madonna! I freaked out and had no idea what to say, so my mom stepped in and started telling her that Madonna's music was the only stuff we could agree on, etc. and Madonna was like "aw, so I brought you two together." She was very nice and gracious, but you could tell she didn't really want to be there - and who could blame her? She was still very nice. She is so tiny, and her hand is very soft LOL. I remember the weirdest things.
Seriously, it is all such a blur. I just can't believe it!!
The radio station said to be at the Westwood Borders by 2. So of course, I'm OCD and show up at noon (after a quick but oh-so-tasty lunch at my favorite tiny Lebonese restraunt - on the corner of Santa Monica and Westwood if you are in the area).
We got there early enough that we were the 3rd pair in line (I brought my mom because she is a pretty big Madonna fan too). As they usually are at these things, the people are all really nice, so we "bond" with them over the 4 hours we are standing in line (thegirl at the front of the line is an even bigger fan than I!). The security is TIGHT! No cameras, no cell phones, no personal belongings of any kind. We put everything except car keys and ID int he car - and those they confiscated until after we met her.
The thing was on the 2nd floor, and before it began they had bomb squads sweeping the place. Madonna did a reading to some elementry school kids (what the fuck - they they are old enough to appreciate that they are meeting MADONNA!). Then they lined us up and we got to go in to her little stage-area to meet her.
We got to go up one at a time, and just speak to her for a minute, and she handed us each a pre-signed (but not stamped) book. I totally lost it. I have never been starstruck before but c'mon, it's Madonna! I freaked out and had no idea what to say, so my mom stepped in and started telling her that Madonna's music was the only stuff we could agree on, etc. and Madonna was like "aw, so I brought you two together." She was very nice and gracious, but you could tell she didn't really want to be there - and who could blame her? She was still very nice. She is so tiny, and her hand is very soft LOL. I remember the weirdest things.
Seriously, it is all such a blur. I just can't believe it!!
AWESOME!!! Good for you! How exciting! and you brought your mom! That's sooo sweet!

Aw! You're so cute when you're starstruck.