I have seen the worst movie ever. It was bad, reeeeely bad. Bad in that "can't look away" bad, but sooooo bad.
It is called "My Life with Morrissey." The main character, Jackie, is obsessed with Morrissey. She meets him one night and goes insane, telling everyone that she is going to marry him. She gets abusive with her co-workers and ends up living in a box on the street and through a nonsensical ending, ends up in a mental hospital now obsessing over Steve Buscemi (while a good choice, it still is stupid).
The acting worse than bad. And all the characters are totally off their nut, over the top caricatures of no real person. There are all sorts of bizarre little traits that, in a normal film, would have meaning later on, but here are just filler (like Jackie is obsessed with bagels. Is that Morrissey's favorite food or something?). The whole plot itself just didn't make sense. The ending made my eyes bleed. Oh, and the worst Morrissey impersonator ever played Morrissey - in the shadows, of course.
My head hurts, that was so bad. The only almost amusing thing is that Jackie's co-workers kept saying "Morrissey? I thought he was gay."
It was like sitting through an 80 minute student film.
Sorry - every once in a while I slip back into film school mode and have to get all pretentious. I now return you to your regular porn n' chicken.
It is called "My Life with Morrissey." The main character, Jackie, is obsessed with Morrissey. She meets him one night and goes insane, telling everyone that she is going to marry him. She gets abusive with her co-workers and ends up living in a box on the street and through a nonsensical ending, ends up in a mental hospital now obsessing over Steve Buscemi (while a good choice, it still is stupid).
The acting worse than bad. And all the characters are totally off their nut, over the top caricatures of no real person. There are all sorts of bizarre little traits that, in a normal film, would have meaning later on, but here are just filler (like Jackie is obsessed with bagels. Is that Morrissey's favorite food or something?). The whole plot itself just didn't make sense. The ending made my eyes bleed. Oh, and the worst Morrissey impersonator ever played Morrissey - in the shadows, of course.
My head hurts, that was so bad. The only almost amusing thing is that Jackie's co-workers kept saying "Morrissey? I thought he was gay."
It was like sitting through an 80 minute student film.
Sorry - every once in a while I slip back into film school mode and have to get all pretentious. I now return you to your regular porn n' chicken.

...sounds about as good as 'I shot Andy Warhol'....
Sounds pretty terrible...thanks for the warning