I have absolutely nothing interesting to say, but I feel like I need to get into the routine of updating daily. I have lost all motivation to do anything... and if I want to be a writer I need to fucking write
I fear that I am becoming borderline agorophobic. I thought it was just laziness that prevented me from leaving the house, but then a few nights ago I had this horrible waking nightmare about me being in this vast empy space... then when I realized I was in my bed, in my apartment, I nearly panicked because it felt like my fiance was a million miles away, not next to me. I think I am just being paranoid.
Fuck, I need a job. I need to stop obsessing over things. Maybe I just need to be heavily sedated
I fear that I am becoming borderline agorophobic. I thought it was just laziness that prevented me from leaving the house, but then a few nights ago I had this horrible waking nightmare about me being in this vast empy space... then when I realized I was in my bed, in my apartment, I nearly panicked because it felt like my fiance was a million miles away, not next to me. I think I am just being paranoid.
Fuck, I need a job. I need to stop obsessing over things. Maybe I just need to be heavily sedated
Good luck finding a new job, dear. Agorophobia sucks. I know.
i need to get into the habit of updating too