Still not at that full time job...
Came close, had several interviews down in the cities but nothing yet. The market has quited down a bit, am hoping that after the holidays things will pick up. Hopefully something will happen soon and in the cities...miss going downtown to the Fine Line or First Ave... the music scene up here sucks.
Been thinking of my sister alot...dont know why. coming up on two years soon...guess I have not made my peace.
Trying to get things going with my other sis...but she has a life of her own.
I know this sounds depressing...but I am awake...it's 2am...I'm bored...and there is not crap on tv...
time to go stare at the cealing.
Still not at that full time job...
Came close, had several interviews down in the cities but nothing yet. The market has quited down a bit, am hoping that after the holidays things will pick up. Hopefully something will happen soon and in the cities...miss going downtown to the Fine Line or First Ave... the music scene up here sucks.
Been thinking of my sister alot...dont know why. coming up on two years soon...guess I have not made my peace.
Trying to get things going with my other sis...but she has a life of her own.
I know this sounds depressing...but I am awake...it's 2am...I'm bored...and there is not crap on tv...
time to go stare at the cealing.