So last night I went round my friend’s house who is getting married for more ‘Wedding talk’. I am Maid of Honour and another girl is Matron of Honour, there was a few other girls there who are new friends of her’s whom I have not met. Everyone else is introduced normally but I’m introduced as the girl that broke up with her fiancé last year just before the wedding! WHY?! What’s the need seriously?! Like it isn’t fucking annoying enough that my opinion is pretty much invalid because I’m not married or have kids now I’m being created as some sort of sad Bridget Jones character.
What these girls fail to remember or realise is that I was the first to settle down, get my own place and get engaged. I was content while they were still going out and having their one night stands and date nights in fucking Nandos! It was MY decision to end my relationship…. I’m 25 years old and I resent being told I’m “No spring chicken” and being asked if me and my ex are going to get back together.
What’s the rush to grow up and settle down?! I never thought at my age I would be made to feel like I’m on the shelf….. And you know what?! I’m not sad or depressed about it, it just makes me fucking mad. So you lot settle down I’m going to have an awesome life doing what I wanna do, when exactly I wanna do it! FUCK YOU