I veyi "Watchmen" dimenche dere, "Cyprien", "Le premier cercle" pi "Underworld: Rise of the Lycans" lndi dere.
I saw "Watchmen" last Sunday, "Cyprien", "Le premier cercle" and "Underworld: Rise of the Lycans" last Monday.
J'ai vu "Watchmen: Les gardiens" dimanche dernier, "Cyprien", "Le premier cercle" et "Underworld 3: Le soulvement des Lycans" lundi dernier.
La chanun dau jhour pr The song of the day by La chanson du jour par
Joy Division: Love Wil Tear Us Apart
I saw "Watchmen" last Sunday, "Cyprien", "Le premier cercle" and "Underworld: Rise of the Lycans" last Monday.
J'ai vu "Watchmen: Les gardiens" dimanche dernier, "Cyprien", "Le premier cercle" et "Underworld 3: Le soulvement des Lycans" lundi dernier.
La chanun dau jhour pr The song of the day by La chanson du jour par
Joy Division: Love Wil Tear Us Apart