I veyi "Astrix aux Jeux Olympiques" au 4 de fouvre pi "Cloverfield" yr.
I saw "Astrix aux Jeux Olympiques" on the 4th of February and "Cloverfield" yesterday.
J'ai vu "Astrix aux Jeux Olympiques" le 4 fvrier et "Cloverfield" hier.
La chanun dau jhour pr The song of the day by La chanson du jour par
Depeche Mode: Never Let Me Down Again
Ol t ma chanun afavoritie de men orhstre afavoritie.
It's my favorite song by my favorite band.
C'est ma chanson prfre de mon groupe prfr.
I saw "Astrix aux Jeux Olympiques" on the 4th of February and "Cloverfield" yesterday.
J'ai vu "Astrix aux Jeux Olympiques" le 4 fvrier et "Cloverfield" hier.
La chanun dau jhour pr The song of the day by La chanson du jour par
Depeche Mode: Never Let Me Down Again
Ol t ma chanun afavoritie de men orhstre afavoritie.
It's my favorite song by my favorite band.
C'est ma chanson prfre de mon groupe prfr.

thank you for the return of the kisses.