my head is totally pink. if you need awesome hair, you need to talk to ghostcowboy.
One sunny day I will take a photo. not that it isn't bright in the dark, but it won't do the whole thing justice.
I'm still in shock, but I love it. It's just hard to think of me as me in this color. Rob, on the other hand, thinks I am adorable and that with my hair straight and in pony tails, I ahve little jet fires off the back off my head.
One sunny day I will take a photo. not that it isn't bright in the dark, but it won't do the whole thing justice.
I'm still in shock, but I love it. It's just hard to think of me as me in this color. Rob, on the other hand, thinks I am adorable and that with my hair straight and in pony tails, I ahve little jet fires off the back off my head.