Dis niggas drunk, and damnit I loves it... I went and picked up the ever so beautiful Texas... And rolled over to get the most beautiful girl in my life, then strolled over to the GWAR show! I mean fuck, 2 jack and cokes, a few beers, and some pink tangy shit one of my other homegirls left there... Followed by the extremely brutal killings of Arnold Swartzinaga;sd;rinawi;ljgkajfgioaengt (Gov. of Cali, that guy - terminator man), Mikeal jackson, Lacy Perterson, Our gay ass piece of shit president Mr. George Bush, a blonde cunt ass bitch, and some demons and robots later - I would say all I could get from the show, and alchohol... What more would you wanna do... But fuck??? I really wanted to fuck, shiiit... But now I'm home and tired - and I'd rather just crawl into bed with my girlfriend and sleep... The show was amazin', I mean I'm a nice person, but that shit was funny - you couldnt help but laugh... And all the blood and pussy and dicks, it was great! The shit they pull, I mean just the fact GWAR went to the topics they did, you cant help but love it... Ok well enough said I'm out peace boyeees...
shiiit, happy birthday!

yay...i am glad you are back!!!!!!!!!