OMG, I can't believe I had to DEFEND Sarah Palin!! I think I might have to vomit. I was at a government office today filing some papers and as usual with bureaucracy it was a long, long and insanely slow moving line. Behind me in line was a very loud, very obviously gay man with another man who was probably a friend or a coworker as opposed to a partner and an unremarkable dumpy Latina. The gay man had traveled to Tucson to the memorial service yesterday and was regaling his two companions (along with most of that floor of the building) with his experiences. Obama was moving, sad, emotion bla bla...... He went on and it doesn't need to be repeated, you get the idea.
Then he continued, and was involving the rest of us in line in his discussion at this point, to broadcast his opinion about how this shooting was all Sarah Palins fault. He talked about how she was now the victim (Ok, I can give him that, she has been a bit more whiney than necessary), and how she should be killed and bla bla and how she should be ashamed of herself and how this tragedy was her fault.
I tried to bite my tongue, I hate Palin, I really really hate her. I voted for Obama over McCain and I can't say she didn't have at least something to do with that particular choice, though it felt like the old douche or turd sandwich vote ultimately, as it always does.
I was feeling ill, like simultaneously hot, cold and nauseated at the thought that I may have to take that media whores side on this. Unfortunately when someone is talking about how she needs to be killed, while going on about how her map made this schizophrenic (Per the FBI) guy commit this crime the glaring hypocrisy was burning a hole in my soul. This guy has been obsessed with the congresswoman since at least 2007 and possibly earlier, long before Palin came on the scene. Palin is an abominable media whore, a walking punch line but she does not owe anyone an apology for this, she does not deserve to be killed (for this at least, some wolves may have different opinions), and she doesn't have anything to answer for as far as this goes. She can't see into the future any more than anyone else can. If she had put up a crosshair map the day after the shooting with a victory flag over the Tucson district, THAT would have been in bad taste. But she can't see the future any more than the rest of us and there is no way to anticipate crazy. It's like trying to not be sexy. No matter what you do, gain weight, lose weight, be dirty, smelly, grimy, caustic, a horse, Amy Winehouse , dead, whatever it is impossible to be 100% not sexy to 100% of the population. How can anyone know what someone crazy might get turned on by? A quick trip around the internet should offer proof of this. By this logic rape victims are not really victims, they are evil temptresses who by existing MADE the crazy person rape them. See? It doesn't work for me.
Ugh, so I had to tell him he was a hypocrite calling for her head and tell him she wasn't at fault and that hurt. I got a cold stare from the whole group. That's ok though, he shut up and they stared around in silence after that and that was ok with me. I'm glad the line moved. And I am really pretty beside myself for having to defend someone I really strongly dislike.

Then he continued, and was involving the rest of us in line in his discussion at this point, to broadcast his opinion about how this shooting was all Sarah Palins fault. He talked about how she was now the victim (Ok, I can give him that, she has been a bit more whiney than necessary), and how she should be killed and bla bla and how she should be ashamed of herself and how this tragedy was her fault.
I tried to bite my tongue, I hate Palin, I really really hate her. I voted for Obama over McCain and I can't say she didn't have at least something to do with that particular choice, though it felt like the old douche or turd sandwich vote ultimately, as it always does.
I was feeling ill, like simultaneously hot, cold and nauseated at the thought that I may have to take that media whores side on this. Unfortunately when someone is talking about how she needs to be killed, while going on about how her map made this schizophrenic (Per the FBI) guy commit this crime the glaring hypocrisy was burning a hole in my soul. This guy has been obsessed with the congresswoman since at least 2007 and possibly earlier, long before Palin came on the scene. Palin is an abominable media whore, a walking punch line but she does not owe anyone an apology for this, she does not deserve to be killed (for this at least, some wolves may have different opinions), and she doesn't have anything to answer for as far as this goes. She can't see into the future any more than anyone else can. If she had put up a crosshair map the day after the shooting with a victory flag over the Tucson district, THAT would have been in bad taste. But she can't see the future any more than the rest of us and there is no way to anticipate crazy. It's like trying to not be sexy. No matter what you do, gain weight, lose weight, be dirty, smelly, grimy, caustic, a horse, Amy Winehouse , dead, whatever it is impossible to be 100% not sexy to 100% of the population. How can anyone know what someone crazy might get turned on by? A quick trip around the internet should offer proof of this. By this logic rape victims are not really victims, they are evil temptresses who by existing MADE the crazy person rape them. See? It doesn't work for me.
Ugh, so I had to tell him he was a hypocrite calling for her head and tell him she wasn't at fault and that hurt. I got a cold stare from the whole group. That's ok though, he shut up and they stared around in silence after that and that was ok with me. I'm glad the line moved. And I am really pretty beside myself for having to defend someone I really strongly dislike.


Meh.. Don't bash on yourself. You didn't defend Sarah Palin, her political ideologies, or her life decisions. You defended the truth and the concept that a person should not be condemned over something they are not responsible for. The current media loves a scapegoat because they know that the simpleminded will always want someone to blame whenever a tragedy occurs. Few individuals have enough logic and sense to keep themselves from being led along that way. You're one of them, and you should be proud of yourself for that.

You injected an overdose of logic and common sense to the poor gent. He'll probably take months of intensive therapy to get his wacked out sound-bit notions back into gear.