Man, Arizona is really making a notable effort to unseat Florida as the state for weird/ disturbing and scary news. Not cool, people, not cool.
Though I do have to say, with some small shred of proudness for the state I call home, when the neo-nazis had their big march on the capitol, they couldn't even get 20 people to show up.
On the other hand, the commentary and politicalization of the horrible tragedy in Tucson is really sad. The shooter was: A goth, a liberal, a Palin supporter, a right winger, a stoner, a loner (ironic because of his name), disturbed, democrat etc etc. I love how everyone is trying to put him in a box and attach this huge agenda to him. From what I saw, he is probably schizophrenic or on meth. This would explain his weirdness more than blaming any political party or group affiliation at this point. It's so sad, there has been a lot of bad news lately. A lot of bad luck too. Just one thing after another.
Though I do have to say, with some small shred of proudness for the state I call home, when the neo-nazis had their big march on the capitol, they couldn't even get 20 people to show up.
On the other hand, the commentary and politicalization of the horrible tragedy in Tucson is really sad. The shooter was: A goth, a liberal, a Palin supporter, a right winger, a stoner, a loner (ironic because of his name), disturbed, democrat etc etc. I love how everyone is trying to put him in a box and attach this huge agenda to him. From what I saw, he is probably schizophrenic or on meth. This would explain his weirdness more than blaming any political party or group affiliation at this point. It's so sad, there has been a lot of bad news lately. A lot of bad luck too. Just one thing after another.
As long as the evil doer can be properly tagged/labeled/packaged as "the other", then most folks feel safe.