Ha Ha ha, Murphy's law says that no sooner did I say it wouldn't get much cooler a super cold front would move in. We had snow.
Also my heater chose yesterday, a 29 degree no burn day, to break and so did my TV. Yesterday was pretty much a huge fail day. It was so cold in the house my Australian shepherd wanted to sleep under the covers. She usually sleeps on the cool tile or on bags and bottles of ice.
I tried to get an emergency fire permit but the offices to get the permit were closed for the holidays. The office to REPORT someone for having a fire on a no-burn day however were open. How is that for a kick in the ass? So I had 2 illegal fires going all day and night. Fuck them, and I will take it to court if they mail me a fine. I tried to do the right thing and get the emergency permit. I also tried to get the heater fixed.
I have a home warranty but they won't do emergencies, the guy will be out on Monday. I have already replaced the dishwasher and the recirculator pump and part of the solar without going through them just because they are such a pain in the ass. This home warranty sucks. We had one before but it was through a better company apparently. It cost only $35 for a visit and they came out any time if it was something like heat or air conditioning or plumbing. This one, costs more per visit and they don't give a shit.
I had new cable outlets installed in rooms which didn't have them (these people must not have liked TV as much as I do) but then my TV wouldn't turn on. I knew a part was on its way out before we moved and I had already ordered a new one and had it right there. I printed out the directions, followed them (it was not hard at all, barely harder than changing the light bulb in it and I do that yearly) and put it back together. The old part was shattered, I mean visibly HOSED. I hit the power button and it did EXACTLY the same thing!! WTF?!! Made the same noise, had the same lights flashing. How in the hell can I remove a shattered moving part from the TV and replace it with an in-tact part which moves smoothly and quietly when I tested it and then have it do the same thing and make the same noise!!? So I loaded it into the truck and took it to a repair shop. I wasn't even wasting another second messing with it.
I'm going for a more sciency degree now, my previous education in interior design was fairly light on the math requirements so now I have to take 5 math classes to get up to the level I need to graduate. HOLY FUCKMEINTHEASS, I am so lost with this shit. I was never good at math and I've been putting it off for so long that now all I have are the classes I didn't want to take left to take and I'm ready to gouge my brain out with a spoon because I just keep doing it wrong and I can't figure out WHERE I'm doing it wrong. I follow the book, I do the online help and tutoring and there is this one place where the numbers all change and I'll be damned if I can figure out WHY they all changed and what happened in that step. It simply boggles my mind and the thought of 5 more classes like this is not making me happy. I actually don't know if I have it in me to be able to do it. I'm beginning to feel like giving up.
I felt really bad for all of the homeless people and animals at the shelter which is not set up for this kind of weather. I went through my things and dug out old blankets and jackets and sweaters and whatever and thought I would take them and donate them. I called 100 numbers and everyplace was closed. So I even failed at helping people and animals with the cold.
I hate fail days. I hope that wasn't an omen of the year to come
Also my heater chose yesterday, a 29 degree no burn day, to break and so did my TV. Yesterday was pretty much a huge fail day. It was so cold in the house my Australian shepherd wanted to sleep under the covers. She usually sleeps on the cool tile or on bags and bottles of ice.
I tried to get an emergency fire permit but the offices to get the permit were closed for the holidays. The office to REPORT someone for having a fire on a no-burn day however were open. How is that for a kick in the ass? So I had 2 illegal fires going all day and night. Fuck them, and I will take it to court if they mail me a fine. I tried to do the right thing and get the emergency permit. I also tried to get the heater fixed.
I have a home warranty but they won't do emergencies, the guy will be out on Monday. I have already replaced the dishwasher and the recirculator pump and part of the solar without going through them just because they are such a pain in the ass. This home warranty sucks. We had one before but it was through a better company apparently. It cost only $35 for a visit and they came out any time if it was something like heat or air conditioning or plumbing. This one, costs more per visit and they don't give a shit.
I had new cable outlets installed in rooms which didn't have them (these people must not have liked TV as much as I do) but then my TV wouldn't turn on. I knew a part was on its way out before we moved and I had already ordered a new one and had it right there. I printed out the directions, followed them (it was not hard at all, barely harder than changing the light bulb in it and I do that yearly) and put it back together. The old part was shattered, I mean visibly HOSED. I hit the power button and it did EXACTLY the same thing!! WTF?!! Made the same noise, had the same lights flashing. How in the hell can I remove a shattered moving part from the TV and replace it with an in-tact part which moves smoothly and quietly when I tested it and then have it do the same thing and make the same noise!!? So I loaded it into the truck and took it to a repair shop. I wasn't even wasting another second messing with it.
I'm going for a more sciency degree now, my previous education in interior design was fairly light on the math requirements so now I have to take 5 math classes to get up to the level I need to graduate. HOLY FUCKMEINTHEASS, I am so lost with this shit. I was never good at math and I've been putting it off for so long that now all I have are the classes I didn't want to take left to take and I'm ready to gouge my brain out with a spoon because I just keep doing it wrong and I can't figure out WHERE I'm doing it wrong. I follow the book, I do the online help and tutoring and there is this one place where the numbers all change and I'll be damned if I can figure out WHY they all changed and what happened in that step. It simply boggles my mind and the thought of 5 more classes like this is not making me happy. I actually don't know if I have it in me to be able to do it. I'm beginning to feel like giving up.
I felt really bad for all of the homeless people and animals at the shelter which is not set up for this kind of weather. I went through my things and dug out old blankets and jackets and sweaters and whatever and thought I would take them and donate them. I called 100 numbers and everyplace was closed. So I even failed at helping people and animals with the cold.
I hate fail days. I hope that wasn't an omen of the year to come
You deal with this nasty shit so impressively lady. Good luck with the math! What specific subjects?
math is hard! I don't like it.