Wow, I just turned 34! My birthday was nothing special. It is my last week before summer classes start up. I'm a big fan of True Blood, so I decided while I had some time when I can read for fun rather than feeling guilty like I should be studying, I would read the Sookie Stackhouse series. I bought all 10 books and the between short story book and I read all of them over the last few days. Yesterday, for my birthday, I was just finishing the last book. A quiet day reading, while not exactly as much fun as the sexy, insane, orgy of a party I had for my 30th, was actually remarkably relaxing. My husband came home from work early and did some chores around the house and I fixed a computer for one of my son's friends.
My in-laws sent me a card. I threw it away. My husband retrieved it from the trash and opened it and read it. I was a bit miffed that he did that. I honestly was not interested. I walked outside to look at the baby humming bird who just hatched outside my house while he was reading it. Later he assaulted me with the card again and read it to me. I was really upset. I'm not sure what he thinks he is going to accomplish by forcing this on me. I spent 6 moths being insulted, and insulted and insulted by these people. I am still living out of boxes and in a house which is not really decorated or set up to my taste because we moved to help them out. I tried and I tried to make things work with them, nothing I did was right. There has to come a time when you give up on people and decide they are just toxic to you and need to become invisible to you. I wrote them out of my life when I left Florida. I'm just annoyed that my husband wants to force them on me again. They had many chances, they are old, not like kids who grow up, I am done with them. I'm not stopping him from talking to them (though he hits ignore quite a bit) or visiting them (he doesn't want to do that either) if he would want to, but I'm just not willing to have any more to do with them, so his reading the card to me was definitely the low point of my day.
My in-laws sent me a card. I threw it away. My husband retrieved it from the trash and opened it and read it. I was a bit miffed that he did that. I honestly was not interested. I walked outside to look at the baby humming bird who just hatched outside my house while he was reading it. Later he assaulted me with the card again and read it to me. I was really upset. I'm not sure what he thinks he is going to accomplish by forcing this on me. I spent 6 moths being insulted, and insulted and insulted by these people. I am still living out of boxes and in a house which is not really decorated or set up to my taste because we moved to help them out. I tried and I tried to make things work with them, nothing I did was right. There has to come a time when you give up on people and decide they are just toxic to you and need to become invisible to you. I wrote them out of my life when I left Florida. I'm just annoyed that my husband wants to force them on me again. They had many chances, they are old, not like kids who grow up, I am done with them. I'm not stopping him from talking to them (though he hits ignore quite a bit) or visiting them (he doesn't want to do that either) if he would want to, but I'm just not willing to have any more to do with them, so his reading the card to me was definitely the low point of my day.
happy birthday! some people just refuse to change. don't worry about them and just enjoy your weekend.

Holy old lady.